Most of the diabetics cured????
From information and statistics, It is more than the enforced diet and exercise. Many patients have stopped the medications before they leave the hospital. No weight has been lost at that point. Not much exercise at that point. They have no further problem with blood sugar elevations.
The DS procedure has a 98% cure rate for Type II Diabetes. Since you are in the preconsultation stage, I would urge you to learn all you can about the choices you have. Compare them for yourself before you get locked into a choice that your doctor prefers.
Regards, Thelma
It will also depend on how long you have been a diabetic. From what I have read, if you have been diagnosed within the last 5 years, you have a really good chance of the diabetes going into remision. If you are like me and have been a diabetic for over 15 years, your chances are not as good. I'm just hoping to be able to get off the Actos and to cut way down on the insulin

Ronna, I have been diabetic for 10 years, since '95 and I was off diabetes meds and insulin by month 2. I was keeping track for one month of my sugars, sometimes 4 times a day and when I saw my PCP on August 13, he said I did not have to keep track any longer, only the four times a week he asked me to take my blood sugar. I am sure you will have the same good fortune I have had, not knowing your particular situation. I wish you well.
Hi Rona,
I had my surgery on August 16th. I've been on insulin for 22 years. Prior to surgery I was on 42 units of Lantus at night and a sliding scale of Humalog during the day. I also took Actos and Glucophage. While in the hospital they tried to cut me down to 20 of Lantus at night and my blood sugars were to high (300's) - and that's not eating. I'm a month out and although I'm not completely off insulin I've cut down to 18 units of Lantus at night and a sliding scale of Humalog during the day. I'm completely off Actos and the Glucophage. I imagine as I lose more weight I may take even less insulin. I'm still better off than I was.
Good luck to you.
First congratulations on your surgery. Getting off some of the meds is a good sign. Hopefully more will come as the weight comes off. I am also on Actos and take Humulin Insulin 3 times a day total of 90 units of NPH (long acting) morning(50) and bedtime(40) and Regular 12 morning and 12 at Dinnertime.
I am just sick of sticking myself and the comination of the insulin and the Actos has been just deadly in terms of weight - gained 67 pounds in 6 months when put on the regime.
So I too am looking forward to getting off some if not all of it.
Fingers are crossed.
I am also diabetic and can't wait till i don't have to put a needle in my body --- ugh. I have read research papers and statistics have proven that wls is a "cure" for diabetes...I am putting my faith in this fact.
Diabetes is a killer -as we all know- I have never been able to control it on a consist basis - (because I have no willpower- at all) It has already taken it's told on my heart -- with 3 surgeries of stent implants. And yet I still can't stop myself from putting things in my body that i shouldn't. I feel like wls is my only chance...
So I read---read --- read
"........... From information and statistics, It is more than the enforced diet and exercise. Many patients have stopped the medications before they leave the hospital ............"
Most people ONLY SPEND 2-3 days in the hospital where they only eat or rather are on a Liquid Diet...... THUS taking Insulin or Diabetic meds with no REAL FOOD can be dangerous....
As the stages of the meal plan progress and calories and more "real" foods are added and even later when some folks decrease their exersize programs or think a little ice cream is OK.. will soon find they are having problems with Highs and lows.
Look at what you were eating (an HONEST LOOK) before the surgery and an HONEST look at activity levels and compare that to what you are eating and doing NOW.
DIABETIES is NOT CURABLE..... BUT for many it can be managed with DIET and EXERSIZE. The success of gastric bypass surgery is linked to the commitment to change lifestyle and eating behavior, as well as close medical follow-up.
I would continue to test daily.
Some of the symptoms of HYPERGLYCIMIC Levels can be the same as those of Dumping. Stomach
Everyone is different.
SEE: A New Way To Treat Diabetes?-Discovered By Accident?
F. John Service, M.D., Ph.D.
'Very Dramatic' Diabetes Results
But his study showed the procedure can actually "cure" diabetes, Schauer tells WebMD. "Overall, after surgery these patients had complete resolution of diabetes -- very dramatic."
Jennifer Marks, MD, a diabetes specialist at the University of Miami School of Medicine, has counseled a number of gastric bypass patients. "Gastric surgery is a technique for people have tried everything else to lose weight and not been successful," Marks tells WebMD. "I recommend it as an option. It can work." She, too, has seen remarkable effects on diabetes.
However, if patients regain weight, "it also means their diabetes could come back," Suzanne Gebhart, MD, a diabetes expert with Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta, tells WebMD.
Gastric Bypass Urged for Very Obese Diabetics
posted 11/14/03
Researchers recommend that stomach bypass surgery should become "standard treatment" for morbidly obese patients with type 2 diabetes, because the majority achieve excellent glucose control following the procedure.
For those that STILL need insulin or some of the new Medications (Like Symlin or Byatta) Post WLS, YOU HAVE NOT FAILED. Just look at the accomplishments you have made.
When researching this topic PLEASE look at the PUBLISHER of the information.... News Stations Like NBC, CNN and such look for the sensational NEWS not just the facts, look at articles from Diabetic Treatment Centers, and such.... Gastric Bypass Centers as well have a bias that tends to color their reports. NONE OF THE LEADING DIABETIC CENTERS ( like the ADA, or the NIDKA)have have yet to claim WLS to be a cure.

There is no Cure for diabetes.. WLS can put it in a state of remission.
Yes we can come to a period where we no longer have to take meds or watch our bg...but if we go back to bad habits.. wham! back where we started.
we will always have it... period...
even without the WLS people can use diet and exercise and no longer need the meds... its basically the same.