Question For Those Still Taking Insulin
How do you handle low blood sugar episodes post-op? I am in pretty tight control now and often have low episodes like yesterday morning when I woke up I wast at 58 (normal is 70-115).
No I chew some Glucose Tablets and once a bit steady on my feet get to ghe kitchen and chug some OJ. But what do you do post op?
I meet with my Diabetic MD or the RN Educater at his office, OFTEN and make changes in the amout of my insulin. I call them or send e-mails and they call me back with the changes.
I am sure your MD will adjust your insulin to match the amout of food you are eating.
as for the lows......
My MD had me keep a tube of Gel frosting with me. It acts fast and is easy to swallow. ( i go as low as 40)
Other 15 grams are
* Mott's Apple juice 4 oz... they come in small containers and you can keep them at room temps.
* ind. containers of APPLE SAUSE
* ind. Containers of Peaches
* Pudding or Jello ( not sugar free)
I did have a problem with vomiting, but by working closely with my MD and team the problems are less.
The most important thing is that your dose of insulin WILL go down.
I had been on 125-150 units of Lantus and up to 200 units of Humalog a day before surgery...... now I take 10 units NPH in the AM only and 3-12 units of Humalog with meals and even that is going to change in a few days.
I am type 2
Thanks for the feedback. Was just wondering as I have this issue now and I have gone as low at the 30's
Right now I dose three times a day and usually am low in the morning and during the day while in the evening I am higher.
I am hoping to get off the insulin all together but who knows. I also take Actos (which is why my weight balloned up so much this past year) and would love to get rid of that.
Anyway, thanks again for your help,
When is your surgery? Do you know? I had my surgery on April 4, and two months out I was off all diabetes medication and OFF OF INSULIN. This is so awsome, this surgery is a miracle cure. I now check my sugars maybe 4 times a week per my doctor, but everything seems cool. I wish you luck with your surgery as good as mine.
For low blood sugar, I use Glucose Tabs or Glucose Gel, both bought at the pharmacy near the diabetic supplies. I tend to get an upset stomach with OJ, so I use 12 oz of skim milk to raise my sugar. I'm Type 1 Diabetic, before surgery I was pumping 125+ units of Humalog a day, now almost 1 1/2 yrs out, I'm averaging about 50+ units of Humalog a day. I'm having the high/low blood sugar readings more often the longer PO. My sugars go so low, I keep a glucugon gun near my bed in case my husband needs to use it. I tend to overcompensate my carb/insulin ratio...its hard to get it just right nowadays.
Best of luck with your surgery!