Newbie with a question

Lisa Z.
on 6/22/05 2:01 pm - Naples, NY
Hi Everyone, I was recently diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes and because of over-booking my doctor didn't have the time to sit down and tell me much of anything about this disease. The only thing he said was that we needed to get my blood sugar under control before I had my surgery. I've been tracking my sugar readings for him (I see him again on the 30th of this month) but I haven't been able to find out what is NORMAL for a reading. If anyone out there could give me some help or point me in the right direction to find answers to my questions, I'd really appreciate it. I have an appointment with a dietician but that isn't until after my surgery (which is July 20th). Thank you so much. Lisa Z.
on 6/24/05 9:13 am - Enterprise, AL
lisa, bloodsugars should run anywhere from between 60 to 150 or so. 150 isactually bein generous! my blood sugar was soooo high for sooo long that 60 is too low for me. everbody is diferent. i think if you are below 200, you are actually doin ok but still need to work on your sugars. do your best to eliminate your sugar, or you will end up on insulin. carbs can also raise your blood sugar, so just try to cut back on junk foods & eat healthy! hope this help! bonnie ps....i would try to schedule with a nutritionist if i were you!
Lisa Z.
on 6/26/05 2:16 am - Naples, NY
Bonnie, Thank you so much for your help. My blood sugars usually run between 120 - 154 (though i did have a reading of 349 - don't know where that one came from, i rechecked an hour later and it was 135 so maybe it was a fluke). I have been trying so hard to eat low carb/low sugar foods that all I mainly eat anymore are salads, grilled chicken breasts (no skins), and scrambled eggs (mixed w/half 'n half). I gotta tell you it's getting mighty old just eating those things so I looked on the ADA (American Diabetes Association) website for recipes. Those recipes looked great but the carbs and sugars were in the 40-50 gm per serving! That really confused me -- spaghetti and meatballs has less carbs than that! lol I do have an appointment with a nutritionist, it's just after my surgery.. (i live in a very rural area and have a back disability so my choices are limited). I do hope that I get some more answers during that visit. Thanks again, Bonnie. I hope you're having a great weekend! Lisa
on 6/30/05 3:38 am - toledo, OH
HI Lisa, When I was diagnosed with type II my doctor right away sent me to a program with a nurse who specailzed in diabetic care and a dietician. I was doing really good but have gotten a little too relaxed in testing... I was told that its just not the sugar or the carbs...What I was taught was that your body doesn't know the difference from good carbs (fruits ect) or pure sugar like a cookie. What she explained to me was not to spend the extra money on buying low carb or sugar free all of the time. Sometimes the sugar free products actually have more carbs in them which will create an increase in blood sugar. She explained to me (which you may already know) that for a product to have a label saying "sugar free" it only means no white granulated sugar was used in the making of the product. This was something I had never thought of before. Many times they are using corn suryup or such to produce that sweet taste, this sometimes leads to the product being high in carbs. Label reading has been the most helpful tool for me. I have been able to regulate my diabetes pretty well not counting an occasional slip. The best part is the more informed you are of what you are putting in your mouth the better chance you have of loosing some extra pounds. When I started I was at my heaviest...I have lost 25lbs on my own. I am still hoping to have WLS so that I can speed the process up and get healthy. I have other health problems associated with my weight that I want to get control of. I hope this helped a little bit! Good luck to you and God bless!
on 7/21/05 3:22 am - charlotte, MI
Hi, I'm new too, and I was diagnosed with type 2 in february, took a $400.00 class to understand my diabeties. Normal is a score of 70 to 140. You need to test yourself periodicly during the day. I do first thing in the a.m., my sugar is usually 50 points higher in the a.m. and is lower 1-2 hours after I eat. Hope this helps.
Auntie P.
on 8/14/05 7:52 am - Wheeling, WV
Seems like each Doc has a different answer, don'tcha just love that! My Dr said anything between 90 & 120 is normal. If mine goes below 80, I get the shakes... I'm just beginning my wls journey, got appointments set up, waiting's the worst!
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