Hi there. It's been a while since I have been to this site. So much has been going on.
I had 3 surgeries on my left foot exactly one year ago this month, to remove a large benign fibroma and clear the infections (3 strains of staph), and it has taken exactly one year to heal. Today, I wore a regular shoe for the very first time. (I know...a minor milestone...but an exciting one)! There were lots of infections that took 10 months to heal up, with the use of surgical debriedments, various meds and other therapies.
Then last week, I found out I have type 2 diabetes. That explains the difficulty in healing from the other infuriates me that the doctors didn't think to look at my A1c sooner. ****pt asking them to). I'm taking fortamet, 500 mg once in the evening with supper.
I know there are no guarantees (wouldn't that be nice).....but now I am really worried. I was so looking forward to wls after my foot healed, and now this new diagnosis has sent me for a loop. I am scared to death that I will have problems with healing post-op, given my history.
I am scared, frustrated..... I have a BMI of 54 and while I have lost a very small amount of weight, due to uncontrolled diabetes (the doctor figures I have had it about 8 months), I still have over 150 pounds to go. My hope was in wls.....but now, I am wondering if it is even an option.
Has anyone else had a history of slow healing wounds, prior to wls? If so, please give me any info you are comfortable with.
Thank you.
Hang in there!
Do all the research on WLS you can. Make sure you yourself are comfortable with it first. It's a major step and decision.
But also talk to your doctor about recommendations and also the fact of the slow healing. They will know best regarding the healing part.
I was diagnosed with Type 2 in 1997. I started looking into gastric bypass surgery starting August or September. Unfortunately I started on insulin in November. I only take it at night. I take the slow acting Lantus at bedtime.
Plus I take Rio Met which is liquid glucophage/metformin besides about 17 other prescriptions.
Before 1997 I was only on one prescription a day.
WLS is a new chance at life to me.
God doesn't close doors without opening a window.
Write if you'd like an email pal.
Thank you for responding, Stephanie! Yep, I would love having an email pal.
I know about the meds.....I was never sick a day in my life til I gained all this weight. I have hbp, asthma, diabetes, generalized edema, fatty liver, my blood is too thick I am told (not enough oxygen), and a few more aches and pains I will spare you the details
I'm on 5 meds a day.....blech!
The Fortamet I am on is an extended release metformin....I've only been on it since December 30, but wow....sure does seem to take a while before it kicks in and does it's job, I think.
I don't know whether we are supposed to post our email addy's on the board, so is there some way I can private message it to ya? (I'm new at this....can ya tell?......rofl)