type 2 diabetes requires insulin? Newly diagnosed
Paula W.
on 12/29/04 4:19 pm - Des Moines, WA
on 12/29/04 4:19 pm - Des Moines, WA
Hi I am newly diagnosed type 2 diabetic. I really need to learn much more about it. Afraid to eat anything but meat and vegtables. I thought only Type 1 diabetics had to inject themselves with insulin?
Nope, both types can require insulin injections. Generally, though, Type 2 diabetics are first put on oral meds (if diet and exercixe dont wonrk to control it.) Over time, they themselvres cant continue to control blood sugars, so injections of insulin can be needed.
Good luck to you.... And losing even as little as 10% of weights can greatly improve type 2!
You need to see a dietitian for your diet as you do need fruits and veggies and milk and all that but if you have had surgery you should see a dietitian familiar with diabetes who have had surgery. Type 1 diabetes is childhood diabetes and type 2 is adult onset diabetes. Type one almost always requires insulin ... type 2 is gonna be dependant on how controlled your blood sugars are. So wish you well. I am a Type 2 diabetic and have been on insulin part of the time.
Paula, im type 2 and was on insulin 6 years prior to my surgery. we wanted to start a family and i couldnt be on gluchophage. i was testing 4-5 times a day and taken 110 plus units a day. now im 5 1/2 months out and on NO INSULIN..or any diabetic meds as im now diet controlled. i was off insulin with in 1 week of surgery and 74lbs later im still off of it. This was very exciting given up all those injections a day. i was a carholic and i know now i can morn all the bread, pasta and rice i cant eat..im still not willing to take a shot to eat those foods again. All the Best!

I'm type 2 too and I started out on medicine then went into insulin. Yes it was a shocker to me to when the doctor put me on insulin. Yes your eating habits do have to change. Ask your doctor to refer you to your local dietition or check with your hosipital near you, they sometimes offer seminars to help you along with this.
But you can eat but just smaller amouts and we have to eat more often.
Good Luck.