Sugar overload
Not that I encourage this for anyone, but yesterday morning I woke up with a blood sugar of 40. Yuck
and totally out of it. I drank orange juice. a huge class. still didn't go up. Ate Golden grahms with milk. (don't normally drink milk because I dumped major on it once and haven't had the courage to do it again till now. This happened all day that I could not keep my Blood sugar up past 60's. I ate almost a whole caramel apple. huge too. I have a gourmet apple company and it was right there. Coke, which I do not drink. My poor husband wouldn't go to work yesterday, kept stuffing me full of sugar. I faught him the whole day too. I had major leg crammps and thought I was going to die. I do dump on high sugar content foods, but I kid you not. I did not get sick. I'm not sure if I dumped though because low blood sugar sometimes feel like the same thing. rapid heart beat, sweaty, totally spaced out. more than normal. lol. Any hoo, I am better today other than that familiar feeling of feeling the food hangover after a benge. Blood sugars are back to normal. My dh got me loaded up with potassium and calcium and I'm fine. Have any of you experienced weird stuff with low potassium and type 1 diabetes?Diana

Dear Diana,
Hi. I too am a type 1 diabetic and had lots of problems after surgery but now after 5 months everything is better. Sometimes my sugar goes very low in the mornings and I have to start the day off with a big glass of OJ. My levels can be in the thirties and the only symptoms I get are tingling arms, luckily my mentation stays the same. Do you take lantus before bed? I had to lower my bedtime shot because my reading became too low if I have not consumed enough carbs during the day. At breakfast, lunch and dinner I now inject 3 units of humalog, bedtime 12 units of lantus (less if I have eaten little or more if I have eaten pasta). Have your insulin requirements changed alot after surgery? Read your profile, wow three kids in acting, my daughter is studying voice performance/opera. Good luck to you. Oh, I had low potassium levels in the hospital and had to have IV supplements, nothing since.
My insulin intake has changed big time. I used to take about 135 to 150 units of lantus and humalog combined. The Dr. thinks that I was both type 1 and 2. I was so out of control with highs and lows they deciede I needed to be on the pump. I am now on the pump and my insulin intake is about 35 units of humalog a day. I no longer take lantus because of the pump. That has been the only bad reaction I have had since surgery. I used to give myself about 5 to 6 shots a day. I don't miss that at all. Where does your daughter study voice? That is great. I am a big fan of the Opera. My daughter (9) sings.
Hi Diane,
I'm Type 1 diabetic and have had a lot of low blood sugar readings lately. I can go as low as 22 before I feel like something is wrong. It usually happens at night and I can barely make it to the kitchen and get milk for the blood sugar to rise to a decent number. Before I go to bed, my blood sugar is usually around 175-220 so I guess I'm over compensating my insulin to cause the lows, I can't find a good number that works and I have an insulin pump too. Pre op I was on 125 units of Humalog a day now I'm averaging 45-50 units. It would worry me if my blood sugar didn't rise after everything you ate tho. I usually go from 30 to 300 in a matter of an hour after having these low blood sugars from what I'm drinking. I don't understand the roller coaster of highs and lows and it gets frustrating at times because I rarely eat carbs, but when I raises my sugars crazy.
I don't have any answers for you, just letting you know, your not alone!
Take care,