Wow My Numbers are Low
Hi Annette,
Although I haven't had surgery yet I know that having a blood sugar of 96 in the am is a good thing - normal even. They should run between 80-120 in the am and 2 hours after eating. this is what my Dr. has told me. If you are still worried I would get in touch with your Dr. and get some bloodwork done. But you might want to wait until it is lower than 80 more than one day. My best advise if you are not sure is to contact your dr. - they know more than I do (and they know you better too!) Good luck!

Dear Annette,
Your blood glucose level was perfect- a 96 is right on target. I take humalog shots at every meal and a night time shot of lantus. My waking blood sugars now run between 70 - 100 which is wonderful and the lantus keeps working during the day. Keep up the good control.
ps- I now take so much less (units) than pre-op but being a type 1 diabetic will always need insulin.