Post-Op Insulin Down to Zero
I am five days post-op and haven't taken any insulin since the surgery. My blood sugars are running 100-130. My doctor has directed me to take 4 units if the sugars get to 200. This is down conserably from my 130 units per day.
I am on clear liquids including about 40 grams of protein a day; the rest is carbohydrate.
Feeling good; losing weight.
Kathy B.

Congratulations I want to be in your shoes someday!!! I went from 100 units of lantus and anywhere from 60-100 units of humalog depending on what I ate which meant a minimum of 4 shots daily to about 40 units of humalog daily with my fasting blood sugars between 80-100 , previously that was my highest reading of the day. So going down to one injection for me has been a great thing. All of my medicines have been reduced since my weight has reduced by 87 lbs in the 5 months since surgery.