did metformin make you sick

on 4/6/04 11:09 pm - Seattle, Wa
I have been recently diagnosed with diabeties about a month and take 1000 mg of metfromin which makes me very sick. I vomit several times a day, have aches and headaches from taking it. Many days I can't even get out of bed. My doc gave me protonix to help with the side effects of metformin so somedays I feel a little less sick. My doc says that I should try to stick with metformin because my alternative is insulin and that could make matters worse for me and that maybe in time things will get better as my body adjusts. I would like to know has anyone else had this experience with metformin and how long did it take for you to get out of hell because this is exactly what this feels like.
on 4/7/04 7:00 am - Rockport, TX
Yes I took this for 5 years and everyday it would make me ill. Make sure you eat when you take it I was taking 2000mg per day plus insulin twice a day and actos also to get my diabetes under control. I had surgery 9 weeks ago today and am now offically off all diabetes medicines. I would also take over the counter pepcid or prilosec to help me with the acid reflux because the medicine would make it worse especially at night and make it hard to sleep. Even after the surgery and still on 500 mg for the past 7 weeks I didn't have to take anything for the acid reflux and it never made me sick after surgery so I think it just doesn't like our stomachs. Good Luck to you, Nancy
Val B.
on 4/12/04 8:44 pm - Burleson, TX
No!! I am lucky, I get my meds from the VA and this is the generic Glucoght. I take 4 per day with no sid effects. I also take 80 u of insulin. This will all stop soon as I am waiting on surg. date.
connie n
on 4/13/04 2:53 am
I found after 2 weeks the symptoms subsided. Hang in there!
on 4/24/04 11:31 pm - LaPlata, MD
Did it ever! My problem was not only nausea but uncontrollable diarrhea (sp) on that stuff. However, at least three different doctors put me on it to control early Diabetes II. I would tell each one after a week or so that I couldn't take this and later wouldn't take this (I've become assertive in my "old" age). Then I'd be put on something else (there are a number of alternatives). Finally, I found a doctor - my present one - who told me I'm obviously allergic to it (metformin) and quit taking it -- I was also on insulin -- lantus (a long lasting) and novolog (short response) which he adjusted. Unfortunately, in 2 1/2 years on insulin I gained an additional 68 pounds. However, I am now 10 days out from having my lapband put in, I have lost 6 pounds, cut my lantus dose to 1/3 (no novolog), and only check BSL and take an insulin dose morning and evening - this is from five times per day mind you! My doc seems excited for me -- as I am... and says we may be getting totally off the insulin next time I change diet (to pureed foods). My BSL has been under 150 last 2 days!! So there's hope. Speak Up. God bless. P.S. I do know one person who takes metformin and it works great for her - no problems. But I know two other people who couldn't tolerate it.
kathie W.
on 4/28/04 11:36 am - douglassville, PA
my daughter just started taking metfromin this past week. The Dr told her she should take it when she comes home from school with alittle food becuase of the stomach problems it will cause. She was sick the 1st 2 days but seems ok with it now. she has such problems controlling her sugar. one day its so hi the next is way too low... shes in and out of the hospital so often our insurance company knows us by first names. Anyway this hopefully will take care of her because as with you her alternative is insulin. Try taking the meds with a little food. Shell uses dry crackers. Anyway... Take care and big HUGS... kathie
Kelle W
on 6/2/04 7:35 am - Atlanta, GA
I know you posted this a while ago and hope you're feeling much better now. I just wanted to put my two cents in. When I first started taking Metformin it made me sick as well. I had stomach naseau and diarrhea. Then it happened again when my dosage was increased. Both times it lasted about 2-3 days. And I still can't take it on an empty stomach or I will be heaving! Kelle
on 7/25/04 2:19 pm - Bakersfield, CA
Hi everyone, I was diagnosed in 1999 with Type II Diabetes. At first, the Gluchophage, (Metformin), made me extremely ill, (nausea, diarrhea with a capital "D"). My doc at the time took me off of it and tried Avandia, along with Actos and Diabeta. That doc was a total FLAKE and I switched doctors, (best thing I ever did). The KEY, (at least for me), was having a FULL stomach before daring to take Metformin. This time, I have NOT ONCE had a bad reaction to the medicine. Metformin does a good job of reducing the blood sugars when taken. It does take about two weeks for your body to get used to it when first taken, so one may experience some symptoms.... They say, the "second time is the charm"...don't give up on this drug, it will help you! Just my two or three cents here Mark
on 8/11/04 1:54 pm - Havertown, PA
I take the same kind of medication however in 500mg once daily proportions and people tell me that I should be taking a higher dosage. However, I don't feel any different; I have no side effects from the medication. If I were taking as high a dose as you all are my experience may be different. Maybe the docs could lower the dosage for a few weeks and then gradually increase the dosage. I sure hope you feel better.
on 9/18/04 6:37 am - Chino Valley, AZ
I started on metformin and could not tolerate it, I had bad diahhrea, and the same symptoms you are describing without any great difference in my glucose level, the only thing that turned my levels around was the insulin, and I understand many people are afraid of the needles, but it certainly made a huge difference in my life.
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