Plane Dilemma!
I was considering flying to my friend's funeral ilo driving for 10+ hours (which I dread) but my concern is fitting into the seats of the plane. I'm above average in height also (5'8" the dr says, though I thought I was 5'9") and most of my height is in my legs, so that would be a problem too. I'm well over 300 and already have problems fitting in seats in every day life! Any suggestions from my wl family?
I've had the same concerns. I'm not sure of your departure or destination places, but I have had positive experiences with Southwest Airlines. Their seats seem to be a bit bigger and on a good day, not all of the seats are occupied so you don't feel so uncomfortable. The other thing I've experienced with them is that they will very discretely offer you a seatbelt extender if needed, but their seatbelts are much longer as well. They tend to be the "fat-friendly" airline!!!
linda, your airline dilema was very interesting as i too have had that problem over the years, and it has kept me homebound.
, what did you decide to do, I see you have had your surgery in april, how are you doing how much have you lost,
, i am also going to email you directly as the messages are fairly old and would like to keep in touch with you, if it is alright,