High blood sugars after surgery?

on 6/12/11 12:03 pm - KS
Ok so my surgery is august 9th and i'm type 1 diabetic.  Did anyones body say screw you after having rny surgery? I had a breast reduction 2 years ago, and after i came out of anesthesia my sugar was completely high.  I kept trying to tell the dr's and nurses my body was in shock mode and extremely stressed from the surgery so no matter what they did the sugars wouldnt go down.  They decided to give me 15 units of novolog every 15 minutes, yet they continued to rise almost to the 500's.  Why they wouldnt listen to me i dont know.  S my question is, did anyone else experience this cause i'm almost sure it will happen again after surgery because my body is defiant like that. 
on 6/17/11 1:12 am
Hi, I just had RNY on 6/7. My blood sugars went up a little, but then came right back to normal if not low shortly there after. I think once things calmed down and the anesthesia left my body, all returned to normal.  In fact it got too low one night and they had to give me dextrose through the IV. I am still fighting off the effects of that. I guess I was allergic to the dextrose or whatever it was combined with and it caused my hand and arm to swell and burn and feel hot. Benadryl is the only thing helping! Good luck with your surgery. It really is amazing. I went from basal rate insulin of about 52 units, down to 19 units. Its truly a life-saving surgery.

-HeidiG (Wife2denizmoi) 

on 6/17/11 1:40 am - Duluth, MN
I too am type 1. My blood sugars after surgery were high, but that's normal because our bodies ARE in shock after surgery. I have the insulin pump(which saved my life) and adjusted my own insulin in the hospital. I did it slowly so I wouldn't go to low. Before I left the hospital, they were normal. Try not to worry(I know I did), this surgery is the best thing that I've ever did for my self. I used to take over 50 units of insulin each day. Now I take only 25! I'm only 2 weeks out so I'm hoping that goes down even more. I feel great! It has been a rollercoaster but it will be worth it!! Good Luck!!
on 6/17/11 3:16 am - Rimrock, AZ
I also had to argue with the nurses about needing insulin to bring my blood sugars down. The blood sugars did level out after awhile. I am Type 1 on an insulin pump. My basal was 90 units a day and i now only take 25. I will tell you our body is stressing and for awhile i actually had some really bad low spells. Woke up one morning with the Emt's surrounding me. My endo just said we have to play with the levels and find what works for me. So far so good. But I will admit Diabetes is not an easy disease to control. I am now having the highs and the lows and would really like to be normal. Ugh it just sucks. But am so glad for my surgery and weight loss.
Good luck.
Moving on to better health        
on 6/17/11 11:36 am - KS
Thanks everyone i really appreciate the responses.  I'm nervous, scared but mostly excited.  I'll keep you all updated, hopefully we all can stay in touch
George M.
on 6/29/11 1:29 am - Gambrills, MD


I wish you well with your surgery!  I had my Gastric Bypass surgery 08/02/06 and I am still taking Novalog and other medicines:-(  If I loose about 70 more pounds I could probably be off this crap!  I am really trying hard, but I think insulin makes you gain weight. I am very depressed over it and my A1-C is like 8.5. I wish you all the the luck and that God may bless you in all his ways.

If you ever need a friend I am here for you.


on 6/29/11 8:18 am - KS
Thank you George, i know i'll be on insulin forever and i'm ok with that.  Maybe just alot less since my eating habits will change.  Here's to the future for all of us
on 7/5/11 12:48 am - GA

I'm a type II diabetic and on an insulin pump. My basal insulin has just been increased again  and my A1C is 9.5. While I know surgery isn't not a "cure" I do hope that it helps. My doctor suggested it a year ago and I just got my final approval this week. My surgery date is Aug 17.2011 I to am very nervous. I praying for a better quality of life...the weight lost will be an added bonus.

on 7/5/11 7:41 am - KS
That's awesome Kisha, we'll be only a week apart in surgery dates.  Definetly keep me updated ok? and huge congrats
Mishelle R.
on 7/7/11 9:05 am
I told them to keep my pump on me while in surgery,, even had my basal rate lowered to about 40% of my normal prior to surgery and came through it fine. Some drs say NO insulin prior to surgery, but they don't seem to consider we need a basal, either with the pump or injection. I had my rates written down in a notebook and took it with me. Then when a doctor needed to be updated, they can glance at the notebook. When I did all across the board changes, it was written in that notebook. Sometimes I was on the good stuff, and hard to get it all straight. So having written down helped. They wanted me off the pump but there was no way. Friend of mine had sugary and they removed hers during and woke up in a couple hours 700-800 bg later. (non-wls surgery)wasn't going to let them do that to me.
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