changing doctors before beginning process
Does anyone think it's a bad idea to change diabetes doctors before the surgery process begins? I have an appt for next Wed for a consultation with a surgeon after going to a few seminars. I was supposed to have an appt w/my endo on tues afternoon (the endo who is the one who finally convinced me to look into the surgery in the first place.) They cancelled my appointment (2nd cancellation, the first appt was supposed to be today but she wouldn't be in the office, so they rescheduled for tues afternoon. Reason they are giving for cancelling was that they did not receive my bloodwork and would not see me without it (keep in mind, that I've had diabetic and thyroid bloodwork done twice in the past 2 months to begin with!) Yes, I forgot to get it done, but I've been spending to much time researching WLS and then my mom had gallbladder surgery and couldn'****ch my daughter,which meant time to get bloodwork was non-existent, that I ran out of time by the time I remembered.
Why am I so upset with their office,when it's my fault I forgot...two reasons. The first was their tone in which they cancelled (no questions about did I have it done and perhaps the lab didn't send it over or was there a problem.) And the 2nd is that I've never heard of cancelling an appt for lack of bloodwork. This doctor is very aggressive, and I like her, however, I don't like the way the office staff treats me and I really can't stay w/a doctor who cancels first and doesn't even both to ask questions (especially on a holiday weekend...they called me at home and i didn't get the message until 7pm at night when they were already gone for the long weekend! UGH!
The reason I'm nervous to drop this doctor though is I'm afraid that if I switch it oculd harm my chances of a "new' doctor recommending me for surgery...but i hate the idea of staying w/her until it's the earliest April or May :( How important is it to have the same doctor for years in order to have the surgery approved by insurance? Does anybody think switching would be a bad idea? My stress level is out the roof right now and I am so ready to scream.
I apologize for rambling, but I'm just so angry right now!
Thanks in advance :)
on 9/4/10 2:30 pm - Woodbridge, VA

I just switched to a new PCP in the last year and I just wrote a bunch of notes and brought them to my appt when I knew I was ready to present the idea to him. Diet history, weight history, my personal story, why I think it's right for me, my comorbidities (which he already knew, but it was a good idea to point them out again). He had NO problem writing a referral. There was no convincing I needed to do, but then again, he's got the best bedside manner I've ever seen.
If your weightloss surgeon or insurance company needs history/info from previous docs they can always request records or you can request a copy of your file I think too.
If I were you I would go to the appt, whenever (and if ever) they can get you in, just to express your opinions about her staff! She may talk to them about it and that itself could change your experience there for years to come. Maybe there's some miscommunication between dr and staff, maybe they didn't relay the doctor's message correctly to you or the one you talked to is just a crappy employee period. LOL Who knows, but I wouldn't give up just yet, you've had great experience with her otherwise and good endo's are kind of hard to come by.
As far as who needs to recommend the surgery though, it's either the PCP or endo. Mine was PCP but he sent a referral to the endo right after I mentioned surgery. The weightloss clinic wants my endo to write a letter stating that he believes WLS is a good idea for me. If I wouldn't have had an appt with the endo before my New Patient Ed day with the WLC I think they would have required a visit with an endo before they would do surgery anyway. That's why I got it over with early.
Ughhh...See how I ended up rambling? LOL! Good luck!