Help!! 20 days out--sugars creeping back up!!!!

Heather Hunnie
on 12/20/08 4:09 pm - Sayville, NY
Hi...I'm Heather, 28 and from Long Island.
I just had my Lap RNY on December 1st, so I am 20 days out. My sugars had gone down from 200's and 300's to normal readings--90's and low 100's. I was sooooo thrilled! It felt so good to be "normal" for once! Plus, I knew it would be so good for my body to not be flooded by high sugars!

So, my problem is that now, regardless of the fact that I have lost 32 pounds since my surgery and 47 all together, my sugars are slowly creeping up....has this happened to anyone?

I know that moving from liquids to mushies and then solid foods would affect my sugars, but I am just getting sooooooo depressed about this. Plus, I am terrified that my sugars will keep going up! I have asked my doc about this and she said that some people need insulin, regardless of their weight--which I know...some skinny people are diabetic, but....I just thought the bypass would be my answer to this problem....

And, I have been watching my carbs as I am supposed to--14 carbs/7 sugars per meal. I go for my proten first before anything else--I'm not perfect, but trying hard! I have had problems getting liquid in--I just can't force myself to drink enough water--I probably get in about 20-30 ounces a day, max....rather than the 64 I am supposed to get--I am trying to add more, but maybe that is the prob? That doesn't make sense, but who knows!

So...before surgery I was taking 200 units of Lantus--a once a day insulin. Plus, I was using humalog before meals according to a sliding scale...
After surgery, my doc instructed me to take 100 units a day and to lower it in 10 unit incriments as neccessary--I had gotten down to 70 units a day, but have now needed to go back up--tonight I raised it again to 110 units---which means 2 injections(100 and then 10) and it just makes me sooooo upset!

So, if anybody has any input, I would really, really appreciate it--please tell me if others had this problem!! I just don't know what to do....I guess I will call my doc on Monday to ask her again, but...I would still like input from any of you....

Thanks everyone!   I appreciate you listening--well, reading...
Sadly and Fearfully,
  Weight_Loss Blinkies  
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(deactivated member)
on 12/21/08 10:28 pm - Woodbridge, VA
Give it some time--do what you need to do for now with the meds and insulin or whatever, and be patient. At 20 days, you're still healing, and that stress on the body alone can cause sugars to increase. The RNY is not always an automatic fix--it often takes a while and/or quite a bit of weight loss (not that your 32/47 pounds isn't awesome, but, I don't know about you, but 32 pounds for me wouldn't make much of a difference for my diabetes even without surgery).
Heather Hunnie
on 12/22/08 1:39 am - Sayville, NY
I understand what you're saying...and I appreciate it...

I just have heard sooooo many stories of people who have had the bypass and leave the hospital "cured." So, I didn't expect that to be me because my diabetes was very difficult, so I knew it would take a while. I guess it  was just such a tease for everyone to be telling me it would be so much better and then for it actually to be so much better only to get crappy again.

So, I know I am just in a funk and I just have to gather my strength and move on. Sometimes I just don't wanna. I wanna be mad. LOL

Well, here I go to drink....hoping that helps...we shall see...

Thanks again,
  Weight_Loss Blinkies  
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(deactivated member)
on 12/22/08 2:24 am, edited 12/22/08 2:25 am - Woodbridge, VA
I hear ya--I get into funks a lot. The "why me" and "it's not fair!" moments come often to me as someone who was diagnosed with type 2 at only 25 years old. I am hoping, hoping, hoping that the DS will be an instant cure for my diabetes, but I also know it may take some time after the surgery for everything to kinda settle down.

EDIT: I just looked at your profile, and it seems we have a bit in common. I'm only 26, so, like you, my main goal in having surgery is to kick the diabetes! I don't need to be skinny, and I'll be just fine if I never get to shop at Express (as if I could afford to!), but I DO NOT want to live the rest of my life battling diabetes (and, with it, blood pressure, cholesterol, and all the other fun stuff that usually accompanies diabetes). I still want to have kids in the future, and I don't want to put both me and my babies at risk by being pregnant while battling diabetes. I have so much life left, and I want to LIVE it!
Heather Hunnie
on 12/22/08 1:44 pm - Sayville, NY
So, Jill, we could be sisters! hehe

I totally, totally agree with everything you said--I need to kick or at least improve the diabetes, improve my blood pressure(which is getting better and I have cut my meds in half--hopefully THAT stays at a good level!) I just want to improve my life and be able to have fun with my wonderful husband! I want to finish school and get a job, which I can't physically do now. And, most of all, I also want a baby! My best friend just had her first baby--a girl--and I am thrilled for her, but  am so,so, so hurting and longing for one of my own! I too could live without shopping at Express--I mean, it'd be fun to be able to fit in those clothes, but I just want to be "normal," no need to be skinny. I mean, I'll take it and enjoy it if it comes....but, I just want to be able to walk and not be out of breath, not have my back killllll me when I stand and walk, etc. I was diagnosed with diabetes when I was 18--I had just finished my first semester and NYU and I had come home for the Christmas break--so, I never went back. I transfered home and went to a college here. And, then, a few years ago, my feet and legs got so bad that I had to stop going to school and stop working. I went on disability and things have just gotten worse since then. So...thats my story LOL I just hope things get better from here...and for you too! I don't know too much about the DS, but I hope it gives you great success! When is your surgery date?

Well, thanks for the encouragement!
Have a wonderful holiday!
  Weight_Loss Blinkies  
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(deactivated member)
on 12/22/08 8:43 pm - Woodbridge, VA
I don't have a surgery date set yet--hit a bit of an insurance snag (my comapny is changing policies as of Jan. 1, and the new policy doesn't cover ANY weight loss surgery for any reason, so I actually got married to my fiance early so I could get on his insurance as of Jan. 1!). Once January hits, we can submit my informaiton to my new policy for approval, and then I can finally set a date once I get that approval.

I'm getting the DS because of my diabetes. It has a higher remission/cure rate (not that the RNY's 75-83% remission rate is anything to sneeze at).
Heather Hunnie
on 12/23/08 2:53 am - Sayville, NY
Wow! What a road that has been for you! I had gotten married to my husband early, in a civil ceremony as well, so I could get on his insurance. Then, we found out they had an exclusion and wouldn't pay. Then, we had our real wedding and a month later he lost his job, so we thought "How could this terrible thing happen to us at the beginning of our marriage?!" Of course, it was a blessing in disguise because a few months later he got his current job and they covered th esurgery!!!!  YaY So, I had to do all my clearances and everything and now here I am! So, I guess all bad things may have some good around the corner.=) Congrats on your marriage, by the way! =)

And, again, good luck with getting a date and with having your surgery--I know this is the hardest part--the waitinggggg!
  Weight_Loss Blinkies  
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on 12/22/08 5:42 am - Sweden


Your doc is right that some people do not show immediate improvement after WLS. There are a couple of things I can recommend, and oddly enough (or it may seem odd), the first is that you MUST increase your water intake - your instincts actually make perfect sense.

You may be dehydrated, which is a very serious condition for diabetics.  When you are dehydrated, the body takes fluid from wherever it can get it to hydrate your cells. The biggest source of fluid in your body is your blood. The body takes fluid from your blood to feed the cells, which reduces your blood volume, whi*****reases the glucose content of your blood - and hence you get high sugar readings.

Since you did experience normal sugars post-op, it is quite likely that your body is still producing natural insulin and you still have a good chance of remission, but it may take longer. Your doctor can do a very simple blood test to confirm or deny this, and she may already have done the test - ask her about it.

You are making progress, since your insulin dosage is lower now. But are you taking any oral medications along with your insulin? If not, you might want to discuss this with your doctor and see if she feels that you might benefit from combination insulin/metformin therapy, allowing you to reduce your insulin dose again without losing glycemic control. Insulin therapy unfortunately works against weight loss, while metformin promotes weight loss.

It took me about four months to get off insulin, and I started combination therapy immediately post-op. I no longer take insulin, but I still take metformin and am under perfect glycemic control.

Hang in there!

Why can't my inner fashionista and my inner feminist just get along? Ros-mari

on 12/22/08 7:07 am
If you're a type I you'll alway be a diabetic.  I got over my insulin resistance with the RNY, and
went from 200 units a day to about 50-60 now.  I consider that great.  But I'll always have to take insulin.   I also do not eat any sugars, at all.  I eat no white carbs, at all.  That part is important, as those will raise your blood-sugars.  I try to eat few carbs, period, but when I do it is whole grain, and very small portions.  You're doing fantastic - just keep making careful choices about what you eat.  Remember, we're healthier than ever - and it will only get better and better.  Walking and drinking water, eating protein - is magic for diabetics. 
Heather Hunnie
on 12/23/08 3:55 am - Sayville, NY
Thanks for the input. I believe that I am a type 2 diabetic, though. I will be very happy for any improvement in my health. LikeI have mentioned, I just had gotten a tease when the numbers went down to normal and then went back up, so, it was just a bit depressing. But, I am trying to increase my water and walk and eat the right thing. I have been ficsuing on my proteins and trying to have as few carbs as possible. I figure thats good for the diabetes as well as my weightloss in general.

Well, thanks and have a great holiday!
  Weight_Loss Blinkies  
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