2 year old diabetic toddler?!?!

Amanda H.
on 10/19/08 2:14 pm, edited 10/19/08 2:15 pm - AR
Any of you have a child or toddler with diabetes?  I need some advice.  My 2 year old has been drinking a lot and having very very wet diapers/pullups.  He wets through his diapers and he is constantly begging for juice and milk and when he is finished drinking and his sippy is empty, he begs for more drink.  We check his blood sugar at my parent's and it was 159, but he had just ate some nuggets an hour before, so we waited another hour, and checked it again and it was 237!!!  And yes his hands were clean, no juice or sugar residue on them.  We have a very strong history of diabetes on both sides of the family.  My mom, brother, sister, and grandfather all have diabetes.   And on my husband's side, his mom, grandma, uncle, and great grandma have diabetes.  I am just really worried this is freakin me out.  I am going to check it fasting in the morning, and take him to his PCP and have them do some bloodwork in the morning.  Do any of you know any other signs or symptoms you have personally experienced with children and type 1 diabetes.  I am doing research on the net right now also.  Thanks for listening!  Amanda

 Mama to Colton Lane-11/14/06  Camden Lee-4/14/10
starting weight-333  current weight-216  Ive lost 117 POUNDS!!!

on 10/22/08 8:07 am
When my dau. was 4, she was thirsty a lot. We have history of D in family too. We took her right in to doc. who had us go straight to hospital. Wouldn't even let us go home and pack. That is how dangerous it is if you wait. You don't want to mess with their kidneys, or have them go into a coma from a low while they're sleeping and can't cry for juice.
(deactivated member)
on 10/26/08 4:29 am
For a 2 year old, a blood sugar reading of 237 is really high. I think he needs to be rushed to the PCP ASAP. Don't wait.

excessive thirst
excessively hungry even though they just ate -- this could be a sign of ketoacidosis
fruity smelling breath - ketones call pcp asap or emergency room

keep a check on it. 237 is very very very abnormal for a non-diabetic. the normal range is 80-120.
if it was 159 an hour after eating and then 237  that is not a good sign. keep a check on it and in the mean time try to keep him off heavy carbohydrates and sugar. when he's thirsty, let him drink.. but not juice juice will only further raise his blood sugar, make sure it's water.

I'm not a medical expert, but he really needs to be taken to a doctor asap. I am really sorry to hear what's going on :(

on 10/31/08 7:17 am
I have two sons with Type 1 diabetes. Neither my wife nor I are diabetec, neither is any person in our immediate family. The symptoms you are experiencing with your child sound very similar to what we experienced. A sugar reading of 237 is really high! You should keep a close eye on him and get his blood checked really soon. Judging by the date of your post I really hope you have taken him to see his PCP by now, if not please go. Don't mean to scare you but please don't let this go untreated as if it is Type 1 diabetes it will NOT go away. It will only escalate in severity.
Jackie A.
on 11/26/08 12:11 pm - Duluth, MN
How is your son doing? Did u find out what was wrong?
on 7/19/09 9:28 pm, edited 7/19/09 9:30 pm
A daily or weekly dose of insulin mostly are applied to persons with Type 1 diabetes. I don't mean to scare you but Type 1 diabetes are the main cause of deaths related to diabetes and its complications, as far as statistics goes. In order for a person to sustained and have a longer life, he must be injected with those daily or weekly dose of insulin as part of his medication. Type 2 on the other, has many ways to manage or prevent it to get worse, it can be a well-balanced diet, regular exercise, loosing weight and sometimes a dose of insulin only as prescribe by doctor but not on a regular basis as opposed to Type 1 diabetes medication.
I found this site diabetes-research.net that deals with diabetes. Their intensive diabetes research helps individual to know more about diabetes and show some tips/ways on how to prevent and minimize the effects of diabetes diabetes menu plans to help manage diabetes for those who suffer the illness.
Hope that helps in some way.
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