I'm Somewhat Disappointed...
Sharon in DE
Hi Sharon,
Pre-op, I checked in here all the time, but only now and then since, as it just doesn't get much traffic. There is another type 1 who was in your situation (J2 O.) on the VSG board. She has gone off her insulin pump and is doing very well. You might want to check out her posts, since she is very knowledgeable and is doing very well.
Good luck!
Dear Ros-Mari, The person you're talking about, from your description, does not have Type I diabetes. The reason I know is that although she might have been insulin dependent, you're saying that she is no longer on an insulin pump. Although control of Type I diabetes can be greatly imporoved after weight loss surgery, we will always be insulin dependent. That means that even though I had my lapband surgery on Monday, I still require insulin to keep my body functioning. My dosage has greatly decreased already, now that I've lost 25 lbs. (I lost most of it pre-surgery). The biggest difference is that my pancreas, the organ responsible for producing insulin is completely dead. I have been tested through Univ. of MD Medical Ctr. in Baltimore, MD & tests have shown that my pancreas is at 0% functioning. I went through the surgery anyway, 'cause, besides diabetes, I also have several co-morbidity issues, incl. heart disease. I just wanted to be healthier & I have no regrets about my decision. Thanks for your response & good luck to you!
Sharon in DE
Hi Sharon ..My lapband is scheduled for 5-27 I am a type II insulin dependent diabetic and really want and need the help I was told my weight loss would probably be slower because I am a diabetic I hope not but I would love to hear from others and how they are doing and how to handle the insulin Thanks and Ill try to post often
Sharon in DE

Dear Deb,
I'm at work right now or else I would be jumping up & down that I found another insulin pumper!! I had my lapband on 04/07/2008 & was back to work on 04/16/2008!! My blood sugars are kinda wacky right now, but I knew this would happen with all of these diet changes. I'm still mostly on full liquids, but the surgeon told me I could now have pureed veggies/soup. Yeah!!! Let me know how you're doing. Had you also had the lapband surgery yet?
Sharon in DE