How do you all treat low blood sugars?
I am still pre-op and had pretty much made up my mind to go with the GB, but after an insulin reaction last night, I have had some other thoughts. I am a type 1 diabetic now for 40 years and am insulin dependent. Because I am blind, I am on disability and have Medicare/Medicaid for my insurance. I am told they cover GB but not LB here in GA. Therefore, I may have to go for the GB unless I can convince them otherwise.
My main question is this: If any of you are Type 1 diabetics, how do you treat low blood sugars? I know I am not supposed to use sugars or drink OJ so I'm not sure how I will treat it. I don't know if glucose tabs are OK with the bypass or not or barring that, the glucose in liquid form that goes under the tongue (UGH!).
Have any of you figured out a solution to this yet?
\\Thanks for any help.
Lynn W.
Sharon in DE

Thank you, Ronna! Reduction in the amt of insulin I take is a really important factor to me no matter which type of surgery they do on me. How I figure it is the less food I consume, the less insulin required, the less of that awful growth hormone (insulin) get the picture. I am working so incredibly hard to get healthy. 2008 is the year for me! I actually started in Oct 2007, so now I have lots of practice! Unlike a lot of people, I don't have a real weight goal...just that I'm down to a healthy weight so that I can control my diabetes better, as well as my other co-morbidity issues: heart disease, high BP, high cholesterol. I will definitely be discussing my questions with both my own endocrinologist & with the endocrinologist on my surgical team. I know that whatever procedure I have done will be successful. I'm not being overconfident...I have deep knowledge about nutrition & I have a strong self-awareness about my body. It was just easier pre-October to say, "Hey, forget about it. I'll just eat what everyone else is & worry about my weight & blood sugars afterwards." I knew 2 dinner plates of spaghetti w/meat sauce was way too much. I couldn't even imagine how to calculate the amt of insulin to take! I just guessed. And although I tested my blood sugars pretty regularly, that was only part of the issue. I can tell you with almost any "plain" food, how many carbs per serving & how much a serving size is! I learned most of it as a small child of 9 1/2 y.o.!! I believe in the statement that the surgery is a tool. I say, the more tools, the better!! (Or did many others say that before me?) Again, Ronna, thank you for your response. Sharon in DE
Sharon in DE
Sharon in DE