PreDiabetes what is this??????
Hello I went to my Pcp to asked about wls ,stated she want ed to do some test and to come back in two weeks she said I was prediabete glucose was four point away from being diabete so I need to take precose pill before each meal, now I was wondering have any of you guys ever took these pills and are you a diabete now ? were you able to still have your wls?

Hey there,
I'm sorry to hear about your prediabetes. I have had diabetes for 15 years and I hope to have WLS in December or January.
Pre-diabetes or insulin resistance is defined as a blood glucose of 110-126. Diabetes is defined as a blood glucose of 126 or higher. It sounds like you had a 122 glucose reading. Precose works in the intestine to slow down the absorption of carbohydrates so that your after meal glucose remains low (which is key). You are suppose to take it with the first bite of your main meal. It is also suppose to make it easier to lose weight.
Even though you do not have diabetes yet, it sounds like your doctor wants to put you on medication so that you WON'T develop diabetes. This won't stop WLS. Many WLS patients have diabetes. In fact, there are some studies to suggest that WLS might "cure" diabetes independent of the weight loss.
Good luck!!
Thanks for the respone and the information about the meds, I really dont want to be a dibetic but some time it seems like we dont have a choice I have been dieting and exicise like all my like I think I must have some tpye of fat gene dibetic and obesity runs in my family my mother, sisters, brother,aunts and uncles are are over weight and dibetic my dad and his family have heart problem and I dont no any one that dosent have high blood pressure in the family.
I have insulin resistance or pre diebeties. I found out about it a year ago. My dr. put me on Metformin however it doesn't agree with me it makes you nausous and makes you have diarehea. I take less then I am supposed to just because it makes me sick but it's supposed to prevent it turning into full blown diabeties. I think I am a diabetic now so my dietician thinks that since I have high blood sugar levels. WLS has a high percentage reate of curing your problem even before you lose all your weight. I am planning on having my surgery by the end of the year. Good luck on your journey.