RNY & Byetta medication
Hello! Someone suggested I post to this board because of your experise in diabetes. I am a type 2 and at the suggestion of my endo. i am having RNY next month. I take avandia, amryl, metformin (glucophage) and byetta. I've been on the byetta for 10 months...at first it made me nauseas so I was able to lose weight but once it kicked in my appetite came back. The byetta is doing well to control the blood sugars however, I want to know if anyone got off of it (and other diabetes meds) after surgery...I've been hearing mixed things. My doctor is confident I'll be off everything! I have been a type 2 diabetic for about 17 years and have slowly increased the amounts of meds I'm taking. I see the RNY as the jump start to finally getting healthy. I would love to hear from others who were or are in my same situation.
Hi Sheri,
I've been a Type II diabetic for about 15 years. Before my wls surgery I was on Actos and over 150 units of insulin daily. I had my wls on June 27 this year and have lost 63 pounds so far. I am no longer taking Actos and am down to taking 26 to 28 units of insulin once a day now. I am so excited about losing this weight. It is a dream come true. I've been on most of the diabetic meds you mention, but don't need them now. It may take a little while to get off all of your diabetic meds, but you will. Hange in their and know that you are fighting for your life.

The statistics say that 90% of type 2 diabetics are off meds or at least their diabetes is under better control by 6 months post RNY. Sadly, someone has to make up that 10% ::::::::::SIGH:::::::::::::::::
After months of trying oral meds, both alone and in combination with insulin, I went on Byetta the day it came out in 2005 --it was fabulous. With enough other health problems, I had RNY in March 2006. Surgery went fine, and I"m down 80 lbs. Unfortunately, my diabetes is completely unimproved, and has actually become much harder to treat since I can no longer tolerate any of the oral meds.
My endocrinologist really did not plan to allow me back on Byetta after surgery (and didn't think I'd NEED it anyway). There is no research out there on if it is or isn't a good idea post-bypass -- but it has been good for me to be back on it.
All of my docs have been very concientious about my meds --being sensitive about things that could slow or stop weight loss. Even with that -- I have been at -80 lbs for over 8 weeks now....and I'm thinking "what if this is as good as it gets?"
For the record, I have only been diagnosed type 2 for 22 months -- but was likely diabetic for 8-10 yrs before that. My A1C was 13 at diagnosis -- but down to 6.5 in 5 months -- and has remained there since.
Good luck on your journey -- !!