OH Magazine Issue 5
Have you successfully undergone weight loss surgery and are now taking the next step towards plastic surgery? If this sounds like you, or you know it is the direction you are headed towards after wls, you will not want to miss OH Magazine Issue 5 2006. Our latest issue shares with readers the story of Celeste Momin who overcame a life of obesity to become a body builder. Readers will also read about Body Contouring, by plastic surgeon Susan Downey and How Your BMI Matters in Plastic Surgery. Margaret Furtado gives us her recipes for success and Carol Signore tells us about Food for Thought. You will not want to miss this very special plastic surgery issue. If you are already a subscriber, your magazine will be arriving shortly in the mail. If you are not currently a subscriber, you can do so by clicking on the OH Magazine link or by phoning 1-866-297-4966 to receive this bi-monthly publication for the low price of $25 for six issues. Remember, the holiday season will shortly be upon us and what better gift for a pre or post op bariatric patient than a one year subscription to OH Magazine!
Ronda Einbinder
Public Relations/Staff Writer