I really cannot asnswer this question but wanted to post. I read a few posts back that you have blood sugars of 400. Even with all this insulin? Is your Dr aware of your numbers? You expressed some confusion about the disease itself. Are you seeing an endo? Maybe a diabetes consult or a diabetic educator would be helpful.
In my opinion, you may be insulin resistant, but like the previous poster wrote, please see an endocronologist and possibly a dietician or nutritionist to figure out what is going on...especially before having WLS. I was very insulin resistant and year after year the insulin levels kept getting higher and higher as well as my weight. It was a vicious cycle.
Take care of yourself,

Acutally when I started taking insulin I gained 65 pounds and it has been real hard to lose anything, I am really hoping that won't be the problem after surgery. I have to tell you with 400 blood sugars I doubt they would even operate on you because you will not heal. I had a surgery when mine was not controlled and the wound would not heal and they had to operate again and leave it open to heal it was awful, so it's a must that you get some control before surgery. If I can help let me know.