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on 6/30/04 9:23 am - St. Paul, MN
Topic: Reply to Shannon and Everyone Else
Hello Shannon and everyone else too! I'm sorry the pic was changed back. I know we have been backed up and the volunteers who have been helping have been putting in long days, over 12 hours on some, to help me get caught up again. I'm recuperating, but only three weeks out of PS and still sore and needing pain pills... not as often as a week ago, but they're still there for muscle spasms and such. The volunteers have been great.. taking over email for me and trying their best to keep up w/ everything.. all deciding they didn't want my job. :-). They've seen how hectic and busy it really is. I don't know why the pics were changed back. I haven't been able to check email for the last 24 or more hours as I've been collecting photos for the magazine for our B&A section.. or it wasn't going to be added. I didn't want that. I want to show off the success... YOUR success. Yesterday, over ten hours to get what was needed, my deadline being tonight. One of my volunteers had just got home from being gone for a few days.. and jumped right in to help me. Today, I've been going for 9 hours. I'll be going out for dinner.. and back on when I get back. I have volunteers who have been doing the same. I'm not complaining... just explaining that we aren't sluffing on you, but working our hardest to get to your requests as quickly as possible. Volunteers.... these people are doing this for FREE. They also have jobs and families, etc. It's also summer time. They don't deserve to spend it all in front of the PC. Some are having surgeries. Some are sick. Some are taking vacations. It's summer time. I want them to enjoy it and thank them for what they do, not reprimand them for what they can't do. The ones who are sick, I'm demanding they take needed time off. They don't get paid and I know many of you donate to the site, for that we're very grateful, but other than that, this is a free service. You don't pay monthly fees. So, please understand. Some might get sent in later then others, but get done sooner. If that sooner one is in box A, but they weren't able to get to their box for a few days, then box Bs will get done sooner. We have been trying to keep up on the boxes. If the pics in Box A sit longer then a week, two volunteers have been grabbing those older pics and doing them, instead of having them sit. They don't have to do this. They are doing it for me and AMOS, but they're also doing it for YOU.. or they wouldn't care how long the pics sat and didn't get worked on. We are training in a couple new volunteers now. This won't happen overnight. We're hoping to be caught up soon. Also, the new trainees... aren't always experts. If something isn't right w/ the pics.. please email photos, don't go complaining on boards. I might not see the email for a few days, but I WILL see it and get back to you. If I miss it.. send it again. I WILL get to you. Well, I'm back to solving the problems w/ pics. You all have a great day and remember.. you're all special to me and AMOS. If you want to possibly appear in the B&A section of the magazine, please send your approval forms in... or if you don't.. send it in w/ your choice. To find this.. sign into your profile and click on Reaching Out... Love ya! :kiss: Photos Processing Manager - [email protected]
on 6/30/04 9:05 am - PA
Topic: Open letter to all from a photo volunteer
Good evening everyone, there was a post on the texas board criticizing the photo department for some pics that were done... here is the link so you can understand what I am responding to... Also I have included my response here, because I think that everyone needs to remember where we are coming from. Thanks. Hi all, as a volunteer for the photo department, I would like to take a minute and respond to your post. First of all, we are all volunteers, we give of our time and energy to get as many pics posted for as many members as we can ... as fast as we can. And it is a free service for our members. We take time away from our families and our lives to give back for the blessings that we have received from our new lifestyle. We get nothing in return, except for an occasional thank you from a grateful member. More often than not, all we hear are the complaints. Our pics are worked on in the order in which they are received... we don't hunt for pictures, you send them to us. Our requests usually list anywhere between 250 and 400, and lately we've had it almost to 500 requests waiting... These numbers are not an exaggeration. And most times the pics are sent in without the information we need so it takes even longer to post them while WE hunt for the correct information that is needed. When you send pics into the photo department, and fail to list your member id number or use an email address or name that is not in our system ... we have two choices... either to delete them and move on to someone else, or to email the member and hunt our database to find clues as to who you are. As to pics that have the right information in them, remember at some point you sent them in. The pictures always receive an automatic response that clearly outlines the information we need and the fact that it takes time. Many times members send in pics and then a day or two later send the same pics or others that they have decided they want added... when this happens, one set of pics is sent to one volunteer, and the next ones will surely go to another volunteer, which means we have no idea that there were other pics sent in at a similar time. With 250-400 picture requests there is no way we can. The quality in which members send them vary greatly... and not all volunteers have access to the same programs to edit pictures. So if you send in pictures that are extremely poor and grainy, that is what we have to work with and we have to make the best of them, or ask for a resend whi*****reases the number of pictures waiting. If you send in pics that are extremely large, yes "pixilization" or graininess can occur... we continually work on providing volunteers with additional training, and share tips with each other... BUT MOST OF US ARE NOT EXPERTS....we are mothers, teachers, homemakers, office workers, you name it... some know more about computers than others... but we do OUR BEST. If you are unhappy with your picture that was done then reply to the letter that you were sent when the pics were finished... we always send out notices to let members know their work was finished. But please don't email the message boards complaining about the pictures without trying to contact the volunteers first. And PLEASE, instead of complaining ... become part of the SOLUTION... VOLUNTEER some of your own time! Maybe then the number of pictures waiting will go down and volunteers wont be scrambling to do as many as they can as fast as they can....for YOUR benefit
on 6/28/04 1:37 am - San Antonio, TX
Topic: Milestones!!! Can you tell me your milestones???
Hello again friends! Last week I asked you guys to share experiences where the public had been insensitive to you regarding your weight. For anyone who didn't see that post - I am working on a lecture/article to lobby the insurance commissions, ADA and anyone else who will stand still long enough to listen on behalf of the obese. I genuinely feel like it's my mission in life to do everything I can to see that future WLS patients and obese people in general don't have to endure the discrimination and misery I experienced in the past simply because I was bigger than most people. You gave me enough posts and replies to fill a 37 page WORD document! I am STILL looking for stories on how the public mistreated you or was insensitive to you because of your weight but now I would like to follow the bad with the good and hear your milestones. I DO want to hear how many meds you were on and how many you've gotten off of but I also want to hear how you've begun to be more participatory in your life - I want to hear the wonderful, heartwarming stories. For anyone who might be concerned - I'm not using this info to write a book or make money or anything else! This information is strictly going to be used to help US - the ones who seem to be the last on earth who are still considered social outcasts. I'll share my milestone first. Here goes...........Before WLS I had Adult Onset Type II diabetes, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia and was spiraling down fast! I'd begun to suggest that my husband and kids have a "boys day out" when they wanted to go to the park or Six Flags and such because I just couldn't do it. I'd become an observer in my life instead of a participator. When I had WLS I asked my husband what my prize would be if I lost 100 pounds. His answer was "Anything you want." So, being the romantic that I am, I told him I wanted him to take me to this scenic overlook and play "Could Not Ask For More" by Edwin McCain and dance with me. He agreed. (Can you believe it???) So I lost the 100 pounds and waited and waited to dance at the scenic overlook. One weekend Edwin McCain came in concert and Wade got tickets for us to go. When "Could Not Ask For More" came on Wade got up out of his seat and pulled me into the aisle and we danced while the song was performed live. Before WLS I NEVER, EVER would have considered standing up and dancing in front of all those strangers. I felt like 40 years of pain and misery from being obese just fell away and I was a normal person. It was joyous! A few days later I got a letter from Edwin McCain and an autographed photo telling me how proud he was of me. WOW! Since then we danced at the scenic overlook too. It was one of the high points of my life following WLS. In addition to the fun things - I no longer take any medication at all and can wal****il my hubby begs for mercy! Happiness and good health is so awesome!! Can I ask you post ops to share with me again? Can you tell me about the joys and health benefits you've experienced since WLS? I'm also happy to have more stories regarding public insensitivity toward the obese. You guys are the best and please know that I'm working hard to make the world a better place for all of us!
Valerie Renee
on 6/24/04 10:13 pm - New York, NY
Topic: Looking for a J. O. B. ?
If you are in the DC Metro Area / Northern VA.... I am hiring 20 employees in the following areas: Program Administrator Preschool Teachers Classroom Assts Cook Receptionist / Adm Asst The ad is running in the Potomac News, Stafford Chronicle, Manassas Messenger, Ft Belvior Eagle, and Quantico currently and will be in the Sunday Washington Post Employment section... You can fax resume with cover letter and salary requirments to: 703.221.0484 Pass the word.... VAL
on 6/24/04 11:19 am - Leesburg, VA
RNY on 09/14/04 with
Topic: RE: Can you share with me????
Hi Rona, Here is my story... I was in the 7th grade (I have been fat since early childhood). It was the beginning of the school year and I was sitting in health class. During the first week, they weigh each of the students and record it in a little notebook. The gym teacher does the weighing and a "gym aid" does the recording in the little notebook. There was no regard to feelings, no regard for confidentiality, nothing. And of course, the gym aid is always one of the most popular boys in school. I can remember having to hold in my stomach just to make it up the aisle to get to the scales, afraid I would knock something over with either my butt or my stomach. Then came the weigh in. I stepped on the scales and I hear "Roberts...169 pounds" followed by lots of laughter from the class. I stepped off the scales, dropped my head, sucked in my stomach and made my way back to my desk. I was 13 years old and totally humiliated and hurt. I still feel that same pain today 31 years later. As I turned to sit in my desk after being weighed, I saw my teacher giggling too. I will never know for sure that she was laughing at me, but at that moment and in my memory, she was leading the class at my expense. I look at obese kids today and my heart just goes out to them. I want to shout at their mothers... please start making some smarter choices, get them some medical attention. Do something, do anything help prevent the pain that is coming. Kids are cruel, adults can be just plain mean!
on 6/22/04 2:35 am - San Antonio, TX
Topic: Can you share with me????
Hi Friends, first let me thank you all for being so helpful to me in my journey. It's hard to imagine that it's been almost 4 years since my surgery! I have been developing a lecture regarding the insensitivity of the public towards the obese. I am doing this for several educate healthcare workers, to lobby for obesity discrimination to be prohibited by the ADA, to educate the public at large to the plight of this last socially acceptable bastion of open and rampant discrimination, etc. Right now all I have to go on is my own experience and I was wondering if you could help me to help others by sharing your experiences with me. I know it might be painful but maybe with all of us putting forth an effort it will be worth it in the end. I'll go first and share one of my most hurtful experiences. When I weighed 263 I interviewed for a job as a receptionist at a popular radio station. Because it was for a receptionist position, the interviews were all done over the phone. You mailed or faxed in your resume and then everything was done over the phone so they could evaluate your phone skills and dealing with the public. I made it all the way down to the final two applicants and was invited in for a meeting with the president. Even at 263 pounds I took great pains with my appearance and fixed my hair and makeup and wore nice, professional clothing. I arrived at the office and saw that the other applicant was a tiny lady who was very pretty. When the president came out he literally looked at me first and then looked at her. He walked up to me, shook my hand, told me he didn't think they had anything for me and hoped I hadn't been inconvenienced by coming in. He then took the other lady by the hand and ushered her into his office. I almost felt sorry for her. He was practically drooling over her. I left the office in a conflicted mess. I was happy that I didn't have to work for an ignorant man like that. But, I was devastated because he had totally discounted my intelligence and my abilities because I was morbidly obese. I felt worthless. I was too ashamed to tell my family what happened and I lied to them and said I'd had a great interview but he must've like the other lady better. It wasn't until I'd had WLS that I shared this experience with them. The really terrible thing about this is that this scenario and worse is played out over and over each day with morbidly obese individuals. Can you share your experiences with me? I know I'm only one person and I don't expect to change the world but I figure even the mighty oak started out as one little nut. So, this little nut is seeking your help. Thanks again for being a wonderful, supportive WLS family! Hugs, Rona
on 6/18/04 7:05 am - Portland, OR
Topic: Profile Updates
Hiya! I just wanted to send out a reminder for everybody to be sure to date and update your profiles. Reading profiles of other people going through the same battles I am has just been an amazing way for me to learn. I just noticed that so many people haven't updated or let us know their story. Those of you *****ad other people's profiles know what a wonderful thing it is. If you don't know how to update your profile, just click on "YOUR PROFILE" up top, enter in your name and password, then go down to general info and type in the little box whatever you want, be sure to date it too! If anybody has any questions, just email me... [email protected] Thankx everybody and lots of warm fuzzies to you and yours! Brandi Gilliland, concerned member and self appointed helperfairy
on 6/16/04 11:04 pm - Tx
Topic: Welcome Team Volunteers Needed!
Have you been thinking you would like to do something to support Give back to the site a bit of what it has given you? The Welcoming Team has openings for volunteers. What we do is call new members and welcome them to our site and see if there is anything we can help them with. I personally have met many people over the time I have been part of the team and continue to have friendships with quite a few of them. If this sounds like something you would like to do please email me at [email protected] or message me on AIM. OhTheresaC If you would like to check out the other volunteer opportunities here on please go to the link below and see what there is available. Or feel free to email me at [email protected]. We have some many great volunteers, would not be half as great as it is without them. We LOVE our volunteers. Thank you! Theresa Cloutier Member Services
Ashley H.
on 6/16/04 4:39 am - Waxhaw, NC
on 6/11/04 8:21 am - St. Paul, MN
Topic: And a prayer for Momma An...
And a prayer for Momma Angel's Family.
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