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Kristen B.
on 7/12/04 12:43 am - Parker, CO
Hello ALL- Being 14 months post op... I am, submitting a proposal to an eating disorder center to add peer support groups led by licensed counselors for WLS individuals. This would provide ongoing support that deals with the emotional aspect of our special journey. I REALLY would appreciate your time answering the questions and sending them to me at: [email protected] Thank you for your help, Kristen Post WLS Questionnaire 1. What is your age group? 15-18 18-25 25-35 35-45 45-55 55-and older 2. Are you male female? 3. What is your marital status? single married separated divorced 4. Do you have children? yes no If yes, how many? What are their ages? 5. What was the date of your WLS ? 6. Do participate you in any eating disorder counseling? yes no 7. Do you have available group counseling for post WLS patients? yes no 8. If yes do you participate? yes no 9. If no, do you find that group counseling would be beneficial? yes no 10. How do you rank your need for support, on a scale from 1-10 1 being none and 10 being a greatly need? 1 5 10 none somewhat greatly 11. Please write the three forms a emotional support that would benefit your emotional recovery from WLS Surgery.
on 7/10/04 2:30 pm - St. Paul, MN
Topic: Kricket is attending Wausau, WI on July 17th !!!!!
I'm tired tonight, but will post more tomorrow. I hope to see you all there! Love ya! :kiss: Photo Processing Manager - [email protected]
on 7/10/04 1:44 pm - San Antonio, TX
Topic: I need slogans! Be Creative! Have Fun!
Hello My Special and Supportive Friends, If you've been around the message boards or Q&A Boards in the last 10 days or so you know that we've had a big hullaballoo in Alabama with a Mayoral Candidate saying in a newspaper article that "fat people are ugly, disgusting, unsightly and OH SO MUCH MORE!!!" If you want to read the whole unbelievable article it's posted on my profile. Anyway, we are staging a peaceful demonstration at the polling place on election day and we need come catchy slogans. Everyone will be holding signs. We're trying to walk a fine line.............we don't want to give the message that overweight or obese people shouldn't do anything to improve their health and well being...........and we don't want to be advertising weight loss surgery..........what we do want to get across to the general public is that overweight and obese people have feelings, are equal to anyone else and don't deserve to be discriminated against. I have a couple of examples to share with you that might help you think of some: Red and Yellow, Black, White AND Obese we are precious in His sight (thanks Cheryl) Justice For All Includes All Americans........INCLUDING the overweight and obese! (thanks again Cheryl) "SAY NO TO HARRY LYON" will be at the top of all the signs. So - put your thinking caps on and help me come up with slogans. We may use them on signs, buttons, T-shirts and more. Thank you so much for helping me educate people who don't understand obesity and stopping those who would discriminate against us. We may not have it all together.........but by sticking together we can have it all. Hugs, Rona Scott
Bridgette P.
on 7/10/04 3:13 am
Topic: Technical Problem with the BMI Calculator on your profiles
Hello AMOS Members: We wanted to update you and let you know that our IT team is currently working to rectify the problem with the BMI Calculators on your profiles. Currently, all BMI's are incorrect due to a technical problem. Estimated time of resolution is unclear at this time, but they do hope to have it fixed today. Thank you for your patience.
Ronda E.
on 7/7/04 5:57 am - Tustin Ranch, CA
Topic: What I Wish My Surgeon Told Me
Do you think your surgeon could have told you more about wls before your surgery? Do you think you were fully prepared for the surgery? Bariatrics Today (TM) our newest magazine which is targeted for bariatrics surgeons would like surgeons to know how you feel. If you have a comment about something your surgeon should have told you but didn't please write it in 30 words or less and send your comment to Ronda Einbinder, Assistant Editor, [email protected]. Remember, your comments can help all those preops who are just beginning their wls journey. :type:
Ronda E.
on 7/6/04 4:56 am - Tustin Ranch, CA
Topic: Have your tried New Eating Dental Device?
ObesityHelp Staff Reporter Nikki Johnson is looking for people who have tried the DDS System to share their experiences. If you have used or are planning to use the device and would like to be interviewed for a possible story, please contact Nikki by email at:[email protected]. :type:
on 7/5/04 12:42 pm - San Antonio, TX
Ronda E.
on 7/5/04 9:48 am - Tustin Ranch, CA
Topic: Looking for Teens To Tell Their Story
If you are a teen, or the parent of a teen, who has had or is considering weightloss surgery and you are are willing to share your thoughts and experiences with our readers, please contact ObesityHelp staff reporter, Barbara. She can be reached at (866) 957-4636 ext 378, or at [email protected]:type
Cynthia W.
on 7/3/04 2:44 am - Eagle River, AK
Topic: Post Op Insurance Q's
I am a data person.. So, I am trying to obtain whatever I can.. ONE AREA OF NEED is the past payments... If you are POST OP over a year.. If you still have your information.. YOUR INFORMATION IS MOST CRITICAL.. I have been told that the insurance companies have REDUCED the amounts since all the publicity.. You have the right to know what they have paid.. Also, there are little procedure codes on your bill.. If you have those, you can call them and find out. Please let me know. It's ok to email me..
on 6/30/04 11:13 pm - San Antonio, TX
Topic: What would you tell a politician who could help you???
Hi Friends! It's me again, your trusty pest, continuing to ask you for info that will aid in my lobbying the government on a local, state and national level to eliminate obesity discrimination AND to make insurance coverage for surgical weight loss a mandatory benefit. Even though I'm in Alabama I am working to lobby all 50 states. It's pay it forward time..........can you please, please help me by answering this question. If you could sit face to face with anyone in power and make a difference.....what would you say to them about WLS and how it will change or has changed your life? Hugs, Rona Your Bari-Godmother
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