Recent Posts

on 11/30/05 12:50 pm - PleaseNoCity, VA
Topic: Hi, I'm new
Looking for advice on gastric bypass in Northern Virginia. Please let me know if you have any recommendations where to start. Thanks.
Kirk Thompson
on 11/30/05 2:48 am - Martins Ferry, OH
Topic: I'm Comming to the Convention!!
Dear Members,
First of all I wanted to thank you all for taking the time to answer and speak your opinion that I asked of you about me going to the West Coast Convention due to my past illness.
I AM coming to the West Coast Convention now that I have heard the words that you voiced. I can not wait to see all my friends I had made in California the past several Events and the open house of our new offices in Irvine, Ca. SOOOOOOOO I will be seeing you all at the Convention on 2-3-4 of December!!!!!
I love you all for responding and being so positive in your words. HUGS TO YOU ALL!!! I hope to see you all there it's a place that you will feel comfortable and make hundreds of new friends. And you will never feel out of place because we are all going through the same things in life just trying to survive and strive to have a healthy life and enjoy things we have forgotten.
Please come join us if you haven't already registered feel free too, the info is below.


Kirk Thompson
Member Service Dept.

Miss last years West Coast Event? Don't do it twice!
OH is coming to Costa Mesa, CA December 2-4
Call the events hotline or register online today

866-957-4636 ext 302 or
Amy Williams
on 11/29/05 12:34 am
Topic: Tis the Season: Card Shower
Hello Everyone~ :wave:

On behalf of the ObesityHelp Staff,
I would like to wish you all a very Happy Holiday Season! :party:

As most of you will remember, our friend and fellow OH Member Jeremy Norman was 20 years old and weighed 747 pounds when he had his weight loss surgery on November 19, 2004. This time last year, Jeremy was fighting for his very life in an Ohio Hospital and OH staff asked for your help in sending Jeremy cards and letters of inspiration, hope and encouragement and you responded! (Thank you!)

We are happy to report that against all odds, Jeremy has pulled through but it's been quite a year of ups and downs for him as he has courageously fought the hard fight. One year later, Jeremy is still hospitalized and in need of specialized care and our support.

This year, as Jeremy's amazing recovery continues, we would to like truly surprise him with an overwhelming amount of Holiday wishes, inspirational cards and letters... We can't wait to celebrate the day when Jeremy is able to return home, but for now, let's bring a little bit of "home" to Jeremy. He is unable to attend support groups of any kind, so let's bring our ObesityHelp Support Group to him!

You can send your cards and letters to:

Jeremy Norman
69860 Holley Road
Martins Ferry, Ohio 43935

Jeremy's profile is located here:

Let's break records and send cards, cards, cards! Please tell your friends and family about Jeremy and share this post with your support group members.

Thank you in advance & have a Bless Holiday Season! :fairy:
Amy Williams
Member Services

OH Magazine recently interviewed Jeremy and his story will be featured in the December issue...
Kirk Thompson
on 11/28/05 9:19 am - Martins Ferry, OH
Topic: Please Your Opinion Needed
I as a member and staff Member in the past few months have gone through things that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemies.
Amy posted a card shower and I got like 5,000 cards and gifts so I guess you all love me don't we all support and love each other in our struggles with obesity.
The question I am wanting to ask is, I am clear free of any of the horrible things that was in my body. I had treatments 3 times a day for a month with the Antibiotic that deadens and all the things I had.
I live with my Fience Mandy and 4 small children and I hug and kiss them every single day.... They are Fine as can be.
OK Here is the question and would love to hear all your opinions on this matter.
I am in California, I came to the Event last year and worked the registration table and got to meet every single one of you that was over 300 or 400 people. Many who met me cried cause I inspired them in some way.
OK Here is what I am asking, I have no more symptoms, no more sores, no more viruses. Im off all Antibiotics and the only thing im on now it Pain Killers for pain management. I spoke in front of 400 people telling them my story and I looked around and everyone was crying then they played a tribute to me and my journey.Would it bother you or scare you to be around me? I WOULD LOVE TO HEAR ALL OF YOUR OPINIONS GOOD OR NEGATIVE. Cause I would all Love to See you all once again! Would you want me to come to your West Coast National Convention

Card Shower Needed
Original Post by Amy Williams at 11:12 AM AST on 10/23/2005
Augusta, GA - RNY (05/27/2004)

Most of you know or have heard of Kirk Thompson whom is part of ObesityHelp Staff. He's help thousands of members each day on the site and to help them find surgeons in their area. He's got a heart of gold.
For those that aren't familiar with him, please visit his profile to learn more about him.

He recently on the 19th reached 4 years post op but on top of that - and has been such a inspiration to so many of us losing over 450 pounds. But beyond that I wanted to let you know that Kirk has taken ill and could use our prayers and support. He has something called flesh eating bacteria (Necrotizing Fasciitis), This diagnosis is very rare and can be very serious. He also is suffering from a staff infection and Cellulitis. He is in quarantine and is pretty much isolated at this time. He is currently being picked up 3 times a day and transported for treatments.

The good news is this: The doctors think they have isolated and stopped the flesh eating bacteria! They remain concerned and are monitoring Kirk closely. Kirk is doing all he can to not go back into the hospital....he really should be there, but he is so tired of hospitals that he just couldn't take it anymore.

Please all, he needs our support. This is a very hard time for him right now. Kirk is a truly wonderful person and is always thinking of and doing for others. He is able to receive mail and other items. He said there are no restrictions...he just cant be around people. Even though he is very ill and on all kinds of medicines right now, he still is very concerned about ObesityHelp and how every thing is going. He sends his love to all.

Please if you can find time to send him a card or a little care package, or even just a letter letting him know you are thinking of him. Really anything to help him through these dark hard times. I can only imagine that being isolated in quarantine is absolutely so hard on him.

Kirk's mailing address is here:
Kirk Thompson
C/0 Mandy Swanson
19208 Rawhide Rd.
Jamestown, CA. 95327

Let's show Kirk lots of love,
Amy Williams
Member Services
on 11/27/05 4:18 am - Ft. Mitchell, KY
Topic: Did you know?
That Lane Bryant is owned by the same corporation that owns Fashion Bug? I know that I can no longer shop at LB but I love FB. How come they don't accept the LB card at Fashion Bug? I think that if all of the women who used to frequent LB would email the Charming Shoppes Corporation, that just maybe they would change their policy and allow those card holders to now shop at FB. What do you say Ladies....wanna try it? I personally don't want to apply for another card when I have one that should I should be allowed to use by any store that Charming Shoppes own. We fought for our weight loss surgery and won, I think that we can change this policy too!
(deactivated member)
on 11/17/05 3:27 pm - CA
Limited Time Special Deal

West Coast National Convention with Obesityhelp
Costa Mesa, Ca.
December 2-4

Click here for speaker and event details

  • Special Hotel and Convention price $320.00

    • Hotel stay (Hilton Costa Mesa) 2 nights (Friday & Saturday night)
    • All taxes
    • Parking for Friday, Saturday, & Sunday
    • Complete 3 day convention pass for 1 person

    ***Bring a friend***
  • $50.00 additonal per person to attend the event(Two people $370.00)
  • must be in the same room
  • register together

    To get this special deal you must contact All Star Travel 800-818-3739
    This deal is for a limited time until (Monday November 22nd Midnight)

    Additional questions contact our events hotline 866-957-4636 ext 302 or Email us

    We hope to see you very soon!
  • H. MC
    on 11/16/05 5:27 am - Arlington, VA
    Topic: Walter Reed does lapband
    I just wanted to pass this info on to any one who has Tricare and wants the lapband. Officially Tricare does not cover the lap band, However that's only if you want it done in a civilian Hospital. If you have the surgery done at a military hospital then it is covered I am having lap band done at Walter Reed in Washington DC. At Walter Reed they do the RNY and Lap Band. If you would like more info contact me later Heather and Reese William
    on 11/15/05 5:29 am - washington, DC
    Topic: RE: Looking for Psychiatry Therapist
    Hi Harriett I'll e-mail you the name and phone number of the one that i saw prior to WLS. I don't have the nuber on me at work, so I'll e-mail it tomorrow. Steph
    Amy Williams
    on 11/15/05 2:28 am
    ObesityHelp has been working hard for months to build a better web site for you. Since we're starting to make changes that will affect you more and more, it's time we gave you some information about where we're going.

    Our next major step is a change in our basic login procedure (will be effective very soon), a procedure that's been in place for a long time and that all of you have been used to. We need to change it to make way for some of the most asked for changes of all, the ability for you to CHOOSE how you are identified publicly on the site. A planned feature of the system is that ability for you to select to identify yourself by your real name or by a username. To get there, our first step is to change the login to create a username for everyone. At first, except for the login, nothing else will change, but as we make more changes to our system, eventually, you will be able to choose how you are identified (real name or user name). For now, we need to take the first step, creating user names.

    When you come to a member section of the site, you will be prompted to create a username if you don't already have one. Please take a moment to think it through and pick one you'll be happy with because this user name can only be chosen once. It will be permanently associated with your membership account once you've chosen it. Names must also be unique, so if you ask for 'Amy', you'll likely find it already gone ... but I won't have it ... someone else already has it. First names are probably a bad choice. Some people pick things like first initials and last names, that works, but remember, this is for the long term. We'll also not allow you to choose some names because of their offensive nature. Usernames are assigned on a first come, first served basis, so choose well and choose early. It's important.

    When you go to login, click the link for "don't have username" and you'll be prompted for your first and last name. Set your username, and from that point on, you'll be able to use the username to login. Eventually, you'll be able to use it to identify you throughout the site if you wish. This is one of many steps we're going to be taking over the next several months and we'll do our best to cut you in as we change things, but work is going fast and we're getting ready for some major moves, so keep an eye out for new and exciting changes.

    Here's some directions to help with the new log in:
    Please try this:

    Go here:
    Locate the box that says "Already a member?"
    Locate the text that says "I am a member, but don't have a username. Click Here" and click on that link.
    You will then be prompted to enter in your First Name, Last Name, and Password. These areas would be the current log in information that you have been using.
    You will then also be prompted to enter in a User Name. This is the new part and will be unique to you. So please select the User Name that you would like to have associate with your account. Tip - Your User Name should be what you would want the public to see associated with your account
    Then click the button that says "Create Username".

    You will then need to sign in with your newly made Username and Password, instead of your First Name, Last Name, Password that you used to log in with.

    We are working as quickly as possible to fix any of the issues with being able to log in. If you have emailed in for help we will get to you as soon as possible.

    We are sorry for the inconvenience,

    Amy Williams
    Member Services
    on 11/14/05 4:01 am - Washington, DC
    Topic: RE: Dr. Kirkpatrick
    Here is a link to his bio at WHC I know nothing about the WLS department at WHC. I chose to go to Dr Afram and Dr Buras. I chose them for many reasons, one of which is because they have offer after surgery support, whi*****ludes a nurtritionist, pschologist, trainer, lifetime care and support groups. However, coming from Delaware I'm not sure that these thing would be helpful. I have included a list of questions to ask your surgeon, which someone from the boards provided me. I strongly suggest that you print this out when meeting any doctor. I found it very useful. Goodluck in your search. Pre-op: 1. What pre-op testing do you require, such as blood tests, gall stone sonograms, upper GI, lung x-rays, etc? 2. Can I have these tests performed locally for insurance purposes? 3. What can I do to improve my fitness for surgery now? 4. Will I need to stop taking medication before surgery? How soon? Can I take Tylenol or Tylenol PM before surgery? 5. Can I take vitamins until surgery? 6. Do I have to do anything special the last few days before surgery, such as a clear diet, fasting, special soaps, or laxatives? 7. When will I be admitted to the hospital? The Surgery: 1. How are the incisions closed? Staples? Stitches? Other? 2. For the RNY, do you separate the stomach pouch from the distal bypassed stomach? 3. Is the anesthesiologist experienced with heavier people? 4. When will I talk with him/her before the surgery? 5. How much of the intestine do you bypass? /What is the length of the common channel? 6. What size stomach pouch do you make/How large will the finished stomach be? 7. Do you consider it to be a distal or proximal surgery? Is this only applied to RNY? 8. Do you cut the acid producing nerve to prevent ulcers? 9. Do you instead prescribe an antacid post-op? 10. Will you do a liver biopsy? Is this only for open procedures? 11. During lap surgery, are you able to "check" other organs? 12. Do you automatically remove the gallbladder and/or appendix? 13. How long will I be in surgery? 14. Will you visit my loved ones in the waiting room after the surgery to tell them how the surgery went? After Surgery - In the Hospital: 1. How long will I be in recovery? 2. What types of pain management will you provide? 3. What are the alternatives to the pain management if what you initially prescribe doesn't work? 4. What are your standing orders re being contacted by nursing staff if I feel I need you or if prescribed pain management isn't working? 5. Will I have an epidural? 6. Will I be in ICU? 7. Will I have IV's? 8. Will I have a naso-gastric tube? 9. Will I be on a ventilator? 10. Do you insert a catheter? 11. Will I have drainage tubes in my incision or elsewhere? How many and for how long? 12. Will I need a binder and does the hospital provide them? 13. How soon will I be allowed to consume water after the surgery? 14. What about ice chips? 15. Will I eat in the hospital after surgery? 16. If I don't like the food, can I provide my own as long as it is the same sort prescribed? 17. How soon after surgery will I resume taking my regular medications? 18. How soon and how often should I walk after the surgery? 19. Will I have lung therapy? 20. Will I have a private room or will I share with someone else? 21. How long is the hospital stay? What needs to happen before discharge? 22. Am I required to stay in the hospital until I have a bowel movement? 23. Will I need to remain in a hotel near the hospital following discharge? How long? Complications: 1. What types of complications are associated with this particular surgery? 2. Are there any reasons why the procedure may not be performed after you open me up? 3. What kinds of things could prevent/delay the surgery? Flu? Cold? 4. If this is Lap surgery, is there any situation that might cause you to switch to an open? 5. What type of complications may I have post-op, such as vitamin or mineral deficiencies, hair loss, gall stones, infections, hernias, ulcers, etc? 6. Have you had any patients die on the table or post-op due to complications? Please explain: Recovery from Surgery: 1.Typical discharge instructions? 2. Follow-up care? Can a local Dr. provide this? What sort of Dr.? How can s/he communicate with you about my particular long-term needs? 3. How will I have to eat immediately post-op and down the road? 4. Will I have problems with diarrhea or gas post-op? How can this be treated? 5. Will I vomit a lot? 6. Recovery time for lap? For open? 7. What kind of post-op care/help will I require once I go home and for how long? Long-term Post-op Life: 1. How much weight should I expect to lose and how fast? 2. Should I expect to regain any of the lost weight? 3. Will there be medications that I can no longer take post-op, or medications I won't absorb normally? 4. Will I get sick eating sugars, natural or otherwise, or from eating fatty foods? 5. What percentage of calories and fat will my body absorb post-op? 6. How many calories and fat grams should I eat post-op? 7. How many grams of protein will I need to consume each day? 8. Do you recommend protein supplements? 9. Are there any specific foods I should not consume post-op? 10. What supplements and medications will I be taking post-op? 11. Describe long-term follow-up. 12. What about pregnancy post-op? 13. How often should I get weighed? 14. What types of exercise do you recommend and at what stage post-op? 15. How can this surgery affect health problems I might develop later? cancer (treatment), need for stronger meds for arthritis, osteoporosis, etc.? 16. Is there any risk of cancer or other problems in the bypassed portion of the stomach? 17. How will these be detected post-op? 18. If it came down to life and death, can this surgery be reversed? Personal Questions: 1. Where did you receive your training? 2. How long have you been in practice? 3. How many of these surgeries have you performed? 4. How often do you perform this surgery? (Per week, month, etc.) 5. What percentage of your patients receiving this surgery has had major complications? What kind? Why do you think these happened? 6. As above, what percentage has minor complications? What kind? 7. Is there anything I can do to prevent these? 8. Can I speak to some of your post-op patients? Financial Considerations: 1. How much does the surgery cost and do you accept my insurance? 2. Do you think I will have problems getting insurance approval? 3. Will you help me in the appeals process, if necessary? 4. If I have to self-pay or pay a portion of the costs that insurance doesn't cover, will you accept payments? 5. Do you have a sliding pay scale? 6. Do you require a deposit? How much? 7. Does your fee include all aftercare? For how long? Communication: 1. I'm concerned about negative comments I've heard on-line about the communications skills of your office staff. What can I do (without being offensive) to make sure my paperwork is handled in a timely manner? 2. May I call the office to confirm that paperwork has been sent to my insurance company? 3. What should I do if I feel my needs are not being met? 4. How should I contact you if I have more questions? 5. Next step toward insurance approval? Steps after that?
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