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kim R.
on 8/23/09 6:33 am - Gaithersburg, MD
Topic: RE: To any intersted pre-ops living within driving distance of Baltimore, MD
I hope they still need people! Leave it to me to find this a few months late :(
on 8/23/09 12:38 am

HELLO ALL_-- ITs been a while since i have been here on the site.  I have been very busy , but I have peeked in every now and then to check on everyones progress just to keep me motivated.

If you remember a year ago i went to MEXICO for my VSG and to have my band removed.  I was not able to get the VSG because of scar tissue from prior surgeries and erosion from the band.  My wonderful doctor wanted me to heal and come back in 6 months.

Well, I started doing things the old fashion way ... exercise, eating right...NOT EXERCISE  NOT EATING RIGHT.. exercise eating right... (you know the cycle).. but in the process I learned a lot about eating, nutrition, mood swings, and MYSELF--- I have bee successful at keeping off 42 pounds and i am down to a size 14 regular (a 12 if it got 2% spandex) LOL .. my abs are tight, my muscles are toned, my boobs dont sag.... and i feel an enourmous boost of energy after a great workout!!  SO even though i may not have lost as much weight as i would have with the surgery... I gained so much more insight and personality and happiness as i have been able to prove to myself that I AM IMPROTANT.  Because I am not seeking no ones outside approval, I am always content, and i am glowing....

I have become a grandma (3wks ago) I am now a certified make up artist (my life is so colorful!!) and i have finally opend the GYM i talked about.... it opens tomorrow..and i own a competitive cheerleading squad full of teen girls that i dont want to EVA go through weight problems like i did, so ima help them get used to exercising EARL!!

SO i have been busy busy busy,...anyone ever in maryland please stop by the facility as i welcome pre and post surgery patients and make them comfortable with my hydraulic equipment... and my wii fit room is great for all ages!!  video aerobic, bellydance and zumba to top it off... and only 5.00 a day with no as you go!! 

Thanks for all of your help this year as it was a struggle, but they say anything worth having is worth fighting for.. and this is one fight I HAVE WON!!!  Until later... 

on 8/22/09 12:29 am
THE F.I.T Center in Upper Marlboro Maryland welcomes ALL  PRE AND POST SURGERY AND BEGINNER EXERCISERS!! !!  NO CONTRACTS!!  5.00 a day USAGE!!!  HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT TRAINING THAT IS RECCOMENDED FOR THOSE WHO NEVER EXERCISED BEFORE or those that have Joint problems!!  Low exertion so no aches the next day-- but simply 3 days a week will tone and tighten!!!  ALSO  BELLY DANCING BY CHEESECAKE LADY!!  ZUMBA WITH KIM!!  SIX PACKS AND APPLE BOTTOMS WITH JILL AND PUMP IT UP WITH JAMAR!!!     8027 C PENN RANDALL PLACE  UPPER MARLBORO MD (BEHIND THE MURRAYS ON PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE)     301-526-6228 for more info....... VISIT US THIS WEEK FROM 4 to 8 for our OPEN HOUSE!! WE ARE FREE ALL WEEK LONG SO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OPPORTUNITY!!!  ESPECIALY if you got a doctor like mine that keep saying ...EXERCISE!!!   THANKS

on 8/20/09 10:03 pm
Topic: RE: Hi--I just want to introduce myself and meet y'all!
Hello all.  I had RNY in May 2009.  I am three months out and have had no complications.  I was scheduled for RNY in Dec. 2008; however, at the last minute, I chickened out.  Thought about it again for a few months and rescheduled in May 2009.  I chose Dr. Andrew Averbach, St. Agnes Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland, also a Center for Excellence with the Academy of Bariatric Surgeons. Those credentials alone are very important to me.  My son, who is 19, is also having RNY on August 27 and he is in the hands of Dr. Averbach as well.

I  wish you the best in selecting the best surgeon/surgery for you.  If I can help you, please let me know.
(deactivated member)
on 8/12/09 7:42 am
Topic: RE: Hi--I just want to introduce myself and meet y'all!
Hey Candace!

I'm new on here too, I was looking into the various surgery options about a year ago but then put it off until recently!

I've decided that I'm having the RNY surgery and I found a surgeon who seems great so far! I did lots of research into various surgeons in the area, looking for someone very good and I decided on Dr. Halmi, in the Bluepoint Surgical Group.

I'm just in the beginning stages of this whole process, so far I've gone to the group info seminar, individual appt with the surgeon,and had the psych evaluation and the nutritional evaluation! Now I'm just waiting for the letter from my primary physician and then the whole packet gets sent to the insurance company for approval! I'm hoping that I'll be approved sometime in the next few weeks and then I'll get a surgery date!!

As for the PCOS, I have it too and I'm hoping that it will reverse it!! One of my cousins had PCOS as well and she had the RNY surgery about a year ago, she said that all of the symptoms just started to go away once she started losing the weight!

I'll friend you on here and hopefully we can help eachother out with all of this!

Welcome to the D.C. area as well!

- Jenny
on 8/7/09 2:50 am - Atlanta, GA
Topic: Another reason to eat protein...The Egg Vs Bagel
The Good Egg                                                                              

I really like this website check it out.
   They have great tips on eating healthy and doing
  to keep your body feeling young.     

   Below is another reason for us to eat our protein versus a bagel (or carb).   RealAge live life to your youngest   The Good Egg   Here's some welcome news for breakfast lovers: Eggs may help reduce your weight.

Eggs already have been reinstated as a health food (the major Nurses' Health Study cleared eggs of upping heart attack and stroke risk). Now there's evidence that people who scramble, boil, or poach one for breakfast -- versus eating a bagel with the same number of calories -- bypass junk-food cravings and eat fewer calories for at least 24 hours, without even trying.

Thanks to what turned out to be a bad cholesterol rap, you may have avoided eggs for years. But eggs have always been a good source of nutrients and protein. And for reasons that aren't completely clear, it turns out that they make the body feel fuller longer. In one study, people with weight problems who started the day with an egg were still eating fewer calories than normal by lunch the following day. You know that line about "the incredible, edible . . ."? Looks like the jingle writer had a clue.
RealAge Benefit: Maintaining your weight and body mass index at a desirable level can make your RealAge as much as 6 years younger. ReferencesPShort-term effect of eggs on satiety in overweight

Open RNY 3/27/01  400 lbs - 170lb.  Please visit my blog at www.gingerrock.blogspot.comYou can also find me on facebook and Twitter 

Nikki C.
on 8/7/09 1:55 am - Gaithersburg, MD
Topic: RE: Hi--I just want to introduce myself and meet y'all!
Hi Candace it was nice to come across your post.  I would like to share my experiences with regarding WLS and my venture.  I started back in 2008 with RNY consults only to be denies.  FOR YEARS I thought about it and was glad I didn't do it based on the results of many of my friends who had this type of procedure.  All the while going up and down in weight by 40-60lbs each time. 

I am now at my heaviest weight EVER.  I thought about the band for years and even researched it when I knew it was not covered by my ins.  Finally this year we had a plan change and WLS surgery was now covered.  I've tried many things in the recent past only to have failed.  I have the never full syndrome which is why I felt the band was the ideal choice for me. 

I love my Dr., I love the office staff, everything is thorough and organized.  However he is an out of network Dr. for me so it will cost a bit out of pocket for this surgery.

It's been an anxious process but flowing.  I started with my consult on July 3 and my surgery is scheduled for 9/11. 

With my history and proof of other weightloss methods tried, the approval was more simple than it may be for others.  Plus my BMI is over 50. 

I'm looking for new friends that are facing this struggle with me.  I'd love to network with you if you are interested.


Gaithersburg, MD

Current Weight/Ideal Weight/ Goal Weight

Just Kim
on 8/6/09 2:40 am
Topic: RE: Support Group
Thanks Carole. I will check out that website as well. If we could go to GWU that works fine for me.  Please let me know.


122 lbs. lost since surgery on June 11, 2009
Carole Jones
on 8/5/09 9:40 am - washington, dc
Topic: RE: Support Group
I will definately let you know, the nutritionist sugeested i go to site I am going to check it out and see shat I come up with. My girlfiriend is in the process of having lap band at GWU, maybe we could tag a long with her.
Just Kim
on 8/5/09 5:38 am
Topic: RE: Support Group
Hi Carole,

I'm late reading this post but wanted to know if you had found any support groups in DC.  I had RNY in June and Dr. Schweitzer is my surgeon too.  The support groups at Johns Hopkins don't work for me due to scheduling and location.  I would like to start attending support group meetings somewhere in or very close to the city.  Please let me know if you have any luck.

122 lbs. lost since surgery on June 11, 2009
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