Amy Williams
on 11/15/05 2:28 am
ObesityHelp has been working hard for months to build a better web site for you. Since we're starting to make changes that will affect you more and more, it's time we gave you some information about where we're going.

Our next major step is a change in our basic login procedure (will be effective very soon), a procedure that's been in place for a long time and that all of you have been used to. We need to change it to make way for some of the most asked for changes of all, the ability for you to CHOOSE how you are identified publicly on the site. A planned feature of the system is that ability for you to select to identify yourself by your real name or by a username. To get there, our first step is to change the login to create a username for everyone. At first, except for the login, nothing else will change, but as we make more changes to our system, eventually, you will be able to choose how you are identified (real name or user name). For now, we need to take the first step, creating user names.

When you come to a member section of the site, you will be prompted to create a username if you don't already have one. Please take a moment to think it through and pick one you'll be happy with because this user name can only be chosen once. It will be permanently associated with your membership account once you've chosen it. Names must also be unique, so if you ask for 'Amy', you'll likely find it already gone ... but I won't have it ... someone else already has it. First names are probably a bad choice. Some people pick things like first initials and last names, that works, but remember, this is for the long term. We'll also not allow you to choose some names because of their offensive nature. Usernames are assigned on a first come, first served basis, so choose well and choose early. It's important.

When you go to login, click the link for "don't have username" and you'll be prompted for your first and last name. Set your username, and from that point on, you'll be able to use the username to login. Eventually, you'll be able to use it to identify you throughout the site if you wish. This is one of many steps we're going to be taking over the next several months and we'll do our best to cut you in as we change things, but work is going fast and we're getting ready for some major moves, so keep an eye out for new and exciting changes.

Here's some directions to help with the new log in:
Please try this:

Go here:
Locate the box that says "Already a member?"
Locate the text that says "I am a member, but don't have a username. Click Here" and click on that link.
You will then be prompted to enter in your First Name, Last Name, and Password. These areas would be the current log in information that you have been using.
You will then also be prompted to enter in a User Name. This is the new part and will be unique to you. So please select the User Name that you would like to have associate with your account. Tip - Your User Name should be what you would want the public to see associated with your account
Then click the button that says "Create Username".

You will then need to sign in with your newly made Username and Password, instead of your First Name, Last Name, Password that you used to log in with.

We are working as quickly as possible to fix any of the issues with being able to log in. If you have emailed in for help we will get to you as soon as possible.

We are sorry for the inconvenience,

Amy Williams
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