No one likes to date?
Hello back to you Matt!
I do believe that this site is probably visited much more than anyone knows because noone seems to have the nerve to write anything. Some people look at it as desperation. I on the other hand feel that you never know where you are going to meet someone. I used to post on here but then in July I was on a phone chat line and met a wonderful man whom I am now living those of you out here reading these messages and not responding....Take a chance cause you never know who is out there until you try.
hahaha, I enjoy dating when I get the chance to. I am a single parent with a 9.5yr old and I don't really like to have him stay with a sitter. Can 't wait to see what dating will be like after surgery though. It will be interesting; maybe I will write a book. LOL. Anyway, hope you are all well and having the time of your life! Best wishes on your journey. Denise