Bermuda OCT 2005
Here are the details:
Royal Carribbean's Grandeur of the Sea
Departing BALTIMORE on OCTOBER 23rd 2005 @ 5:00PM
October 24th - SEA
October 25th - arriving Kings Wharf Bermuda @ 7:00 AM
October 26th - departing Kings Wharf Bermuda @ 5:00 PM
October 27th - SEA
October 28th - arriving back to port of Baltimore @ 7:00AM
The cruise is being booked through VACATIONS TO GO, cruise # 12603
you can make your reservation by calling EDDIE @ 800-338-4962 EXT 361. Make sure you tell Eddie that you are booking with PATTY SCHLINE so that all of our WLS buddies and friends can be seated with or near one another for dinner.
The TOTAL cost of the cruise is 543.00!(((inside cabin))) This includes all meals & entertainment, standard on all cruises, drinks, gratuities, and souvies are at your expense!
What a DEAL! This is an EARLY BOOKING OFFER, which may not last long!
You can reserve your room for $200.00, all other monies must be paid in full before the end of DECEMBER 04!
I have asked Eddie if he could try to arrange our rooms to be as close as possible to one another pending availability and your personal preference, meaning some of you may not want an inside cabin ~ I personally don't plan on sleeping that much so I don't care where I am
This will be a FANTASTIC time for everyone! I certainly hope that if you are able to cruise with us, you will. Even if you have been to BERMUDA ~ you haven't been there with ALL YOUR WLS FRIENDS! I am sure BERMUDA will never be the same again!
Please let me know if you plan to attend, it will be nice to know who is going to be cruising with us!
Patty Schline