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I hope you recover quickly. I have had to have two obstructions operated on. I get partial obstructions about every six weeks. I used to have to be hospitalized, but since I am 7 years out I know the warning signs. Mine are caused for two reasons. One is from the scar tissue or multiple adhesions that I have wrapping around and kinking off my intestines. The second is when my potassium drops too low due to prolonged diarrhea.
I wish you the best of luck!
Indianapolis, IN
You can read my blog, but I have been on a feeding tube for going on 3 years. I can only eat about 2-3 ounces. Everytime I get an Upper Endoscopy they find thrush (fungle infection) which could be the culprit. They always put me on some type of fungel medicine. The last time they gave me the highest dose. Being on a feeding tube sounds horrible, but if it keeps you living, do not hesitate to get one. You can still eat. I pump about eight hours while I sleep. I use 3 boost each night. I had to see the infectious doctor and he is working with my GI doctor. Now I am hearing I have a narrowing down far in my esophagus. I may have to have this reversed, but playing out all the odds first. Good luck and do not hesitate to get a feeding tube to stay healthy. I actually had mine taken back out because I was eating yogurt with my protein. But I got malnurished and got some nerve and muscle damage so I went back on the feeding tube. Again good luck.
Best of luck to you, Chelle.
Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI
Please do keep me posted. I have felt this pain and the only thing that would someone relieve it would be to roll around, take a warm bath and when able lay on my left side...
I've had the band for 6 years, and I think it sounds like something is stuck since thanksgiving that is partially blocking you entrance to your eshophogus. They may unfill your band for a couple days. Please let me know how it goes.