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You should go to your RNY doctor. He'll probably recognize what is going on with you. I was put on a PPI (like Nexium). Unfortunately, I've been on it for nine years. I've tried to get off of it several times, but every time my symptoms would return.
It sounds though to me like her incision may be infected. If it hasn't already happened she should go to the ER ASAP.
You might want to post this on the DS and the VSG board. I had a revision, but it was from RNY to DS. I had a lot of post op complications.
I'm curious, is Dr. Greenbaum your husbands surgeon?
Had the appointment with the rheumatologist on Wed Sept 29. He has ordered 3 more tests to check for autoimmune responses and also got referral to a dermatologist and genetics department. I always knew I had very flexable buit have diagnosis of hypermolitity syndrome. There are some connective tissue disorders that hypermobility is part of the equation, also with genetic referral there may also be other things that can have malabsorbtion as part of it too.
I have the appointment with the dermatologist on Tuesday Oct 5 and the genetic department on November 29 but if opening before this date will get in then.
The followup with endocrinologist on Thurs Sept 30 was a good one too. Now my calcium levels are low sespite uptake on calcium supplement and D levels are down in the dumps at 20 when in may it was 33.
Endocrinologist did state this is hungry bone syndrome. My calcitriol has been upped from 0.5 mcg twice daly to 1 mcg twice daily. hopefully labs will improve.
On Mon Oct 4 i have an appointment for a physical therapy evaluation to see where strengthening can be done to help limit injury to tendons, ligaments, and joints. The farrow wraps for the lymphedema is in i get them monday too my appointment with lymphedema therapist is at same place as PT back to back appointments.
Follow Up with Gastro is end of oct.
Keep posted with more
You should post this on the RNY and main boards, this board doesnt' get much traffic. Sorry, I dont' know anything about this subject. I do know that at about 3 months post op, I started out having terrible abdominal pains and burning pains. Actually thought I had an ulcer. I had an endoscopy and every other possibly test in the book and everything was normal over the next 3 months. I went for my 6month follow up and my Nurse practitioner was blowing off my pain and I finally insisted on seeing the surgeon. I saw him the following week. He said I needed exploratory surgery to see what was going on inside and sure enough, I had 4 sets of adhesions, 1 causing my intestines to be all twisted, 2 were at the connection sites of the where the stomach and intestines were joined and where the intestines were rerouted - both places were adhered to my abdominal wall and dont know where the 4th one was. I also had a 1 inch hole in my intestines. Everything was repaired and I was pain free in the recovery room. Unfortunately the complications we get don't show up on tests and the only way to diagnose us it to operate. I wish you luck with finding out what is wrong with you
I had lap rny 7 years ago, reasonably successful...did not loose all the weight but lost over 100lbs. No complications, take all vitamins and supplements. I lost one close friend to a sudden bowel obtruction 3 years ago (watched her die in emergency room) and almost lost another close friend to an intussusception 2 years ago...35 days in intensive care. These are supposed to be very rare. I am beginning to think the statistics are wrong and these are much more common then we are lead to believe.
Now I almost died Saturday night from an intussception. Most horrible pain, 11 on a scale of 1 to 10. I truely thought i would die that night. Amazingly mine resolved itself...otherwise I would be dead because the emergency room refused to let me see a surgeon and had internal medicine fuss around guessing my problem despite my pleas for a surgical consult.
Now I will carry a letter from a Kaiser Bariatic surgeon stating I am see a surgeon immediately if I present with severe stomach pain. The surgeon is following me now, Lots of tests, cat scans, MRI etc.
Has anyone else had this problem...especially this far out? I am terrified and depressed. wondering when it may happen again.
(And I know how this will sound. No, I am not a troll. . .) Has anyone had any bowel complications from the DS, such as diarrhea, nasty od******ultiple bowel movements, and then, nutritional disorders? He has spoken with many DSers in our support group, and while they love their surgery, they all seem to have really nasty, smelly diarrhea and gas. My hubby needs to know if this is a universal thing, does it get better with time, does it get worse with time? Any information will be greatly appreciated. (I should note, that while this might not be a deal-breaker to some, he doesn't have convenient access to restroom facilities on his job and fears being stranded in an urgent situation). He's running out of time to make a decision, and really could use some input.
Any and all information will be greatly appreciated.