Sound familiar to anyone?

on 12/6/05 8:41 am - austin, TX
Today I had a Upper GI with barium. My problem is constant pain in my upper left abdomen. Pain with eating, Diarhea & severe gas, sharp pains at some points.It is almost as if I feel the food stop and then it eventually goes through. Today that portion of the Upper GI showed to be okay. I'm glad it looks okay but what is wrong with me. I though for sure it was a blockage of some sort. Tomorrow I will hear from my doctor about the results. Have you had this problem? What was it?
on 12/7/05 1:18 am - Lomita, CA
HI JJ, I'm not Dr....but, I experienced the same thing. Almost took myself to ER Sunday night, but road it out and called Monday. Went to see my Dr Tuesday....confirmed my scariest thought Bowel Obstruction. He also told me that almost always --- ultra sounds, xray or even CAT scans CANNOT detect an obstruction. He wanted me to schedule surgery for THIS WEEK, of course, I paniked, have to get things in order at home & work. So probably next week. I'm ok, the pain comes and goes, but, he says it can't fix itself. I made a point of going to my WLS surgeon, not my gp/pcp. I felt that was a better choice because they are fully aware of all the possible complications of WLS. Keep a close eye on yourself, a blockage can turn nasty real quick. Don't sit by and suffer in silence.... be the sqeaky wheel!!! Wishing you the very best, Pam rny 5/13/04 below goal & holding
on 12/7/05 3:50 am - austin, TX
Thank you so much for your response Pam. I appreciate it. Good luck with your surgery. I am calling my WLS surgeon right now. I was going through my PCP.
Tavia V
on 12/10/05 9:46 am - Long Island, NY
Maybe you should ask them do an upper GI mixed with food to get some answers. I have had the same problems you have had since forever. Read my profile and then email me ok. i hope you feel better soon though! Tavia
on 12/14/05 10:32 pm - Indianapolis, IN
I had the same problem. I would go to the ER and they would do all kinds of tests and not find anything. My Gastro doctor finally put me on a medicine called Reglan. It helps empty my stomach out faster. Otherwise I almost want to make myself sick to get rid of the pain and discomfort. I've had two surgeries for obstructions. My best advise is to write down everything when you experience the pain. Write down the time, what you ate, how much you ate, how fast you ate it, did you drink at the same time, and so on. I'm 3 yrs post op so my doc said to just go back to eating smaller bites and taking a sip with every bite. I still suffer daily pain and take medicine every day. I have a ton of adhesions from the 7 abdominal surgeries in the past 3 years. And adhesions cause pain. Hope it works out for you!
on 12/15/05 12:19 am - Lewisville, TX
I too take Reglan and I swear it has saved my life! I tried going off of it and within a week I was miserable. I take it before every meal now and boy does it make a difference. Good luck! Melissa in Texas 315/125
on 1/9/06 4:03 am - Effort, PA
I read your profile. You poor thing, you have been through hell and back and yet your still out here helping others. Bless you Donna 338/159
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