Why Can't I eat????????
Why can't I eat???
Original Post by W J at 8:31 PM PST on 08/20/2005
Escondido, CA - (06/21/2005)
I had the Lap RNY on 6/21/05, the surgery went well and I was doing fine until 7/25/05 when I experienced severe pain. I ended up in the hospital for 10 days and had surgery for an obstructed bowel and a hernia. The most pain I have ever experienced in my life! I was sent home with a G tube until 8/29/05 and it is not only painful but is driving me crazy because it is so uncomfortable! The dr says it has to stay in till the 29th so that my stomach heals around it. In any event, the taste and smells of foods make me nauseous and I am really having a hard time eating most anything. This reminds me of being pregnant! I have lost 60lbs so far but I am weak and know that I need to increase my caloric intake. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!!