Anxiety Attacks
From all that I have read, and I have read alot, about WLS, yes it is perfectly normal. That is one of the reasons we see a physcologist before surgery. That way if you have to go to one after, which apparently is normal, they seen you before too. Many people go on an emotional roller coaster after WLS. You are not alone and this is a great place to seek help because I am sure there are many others going through the same thing... Good luck and I hope you get to feeling better soon....
open DS 8/30/05
Dr. Keshishian

I have had my share of struggles with anxiety myself. Surgery is a huge stress on your body and mind. It would seem to me that if anxiety would ever raise it's "ugly head" it would now for you. I think it might warrant a call to your doctor. There is no need for you to struggle alone. Best wishes!