vomiting doesn't always mean a stricture
hi all,
i've missed the board for a few days because I got sick this past saturday and had to go to the er and was admitted to the hospital. Saturday morning I started feeling sick to my stomach and started throwing up and once I started I couldn't stop!! I had never gotten sick so I didn't know what was causing it except a stricture I called my surgeon and he told me to go to the er. I couldn't keep anything down not even my own saliva it was that bad!!!!! After going to the er they gave me fluids and something for nausea that didn't really help much. I was admitted and was very dyhydrated and they kept me with iv fluids and nausea meds. Monday I had to have another barrium swallow and today I had an endoscopy to see if I had a stricture. Well surprize surprize no it wasn't a stricture it was an ulcer of all things!!!! My new pouch has an ugly ulcer I'm not sure what caused it but I know what didn't help it and thats chili!! Friday I had a small wendy's chili it went down fine and I handled it well thats until the next morning. So I was in the hospital for 3 days because I have an ulcer. Lesson to everybody here BECAREFUL with your pouch don't eat anything spicy, or fatty I couldn't believe the pics of my pouch
I saw today it was burnt up!!!! Now i'm on prilosec and carafate to help alieviate my tummy. Hopefully the meds will work but just wanted to let you all know what happened to me and to just be careful with your new pouches its all a learning experience.
Hi Robin,
i'm sorry to hear that you're not able to keep things down i'm actually doing ok in that dept right now anyways. i'm on carafate and prevacid and since i've gotten home from the hospital for my ulcer i've been doing pretty good just soooooooooooo hungry. i'm trying to be good and not eat many solids but i'm 4 weeks out today and my pouch is way past the point of wanting only clear liquids. i hops that you are starting to feel better.
Hello, I also was admitted to the hospital with an ucler. Mine perferated and I had to have a graft to fill in the hole in my pouch. Friday, I had a spell and and labs done and was low on blood. Had to be admitted again, and have 2 Units of blood. Today, I feel sick to my stocah and feel like I could vomit at anytime. Very weak and tired. Please keep me in your prayers as I will you. Peace
The same thing happened to me too.
One thing -- BE SURE to take all of your meds as long as they are actually prescribed for you. DO NOT stop taking them if you feel better. I did stop taking mine, and it CAME BACK! (worse than before!)
...this too has been a learning experience for me...soooo many new experiences!
Have a great day!