I sent the wrong e-mail address. should [email protected]
Are you Lactose intolerant?? Do you get gas from everything you eat? Is it possible to do a "Process of Elimination", try to find out which food(s) are giving you gas, maybe that would take the "guess-work" out of it. I get really gasey (sp) sometimes, but I "go with the flow". Excessive or painful gas is just something I deal with as a side effect. Hope you feel better!!
Warmenst Wishes,
Shannon Brown

hi Shannon, yes I'm lactose intolerant,and I've been doing "process of elimination". I eat lots of veggies and fruit and that does it to my system. I hoped someone knew of something likt beano etc. The lower bowl pain I've been able to cure with lomatil, a drug for diareia(sp).you know fatties are always looking for the magic pill.
Well in 2001 I weighed 602, I'm only 9 months post with 113 lb loss, of the 602, the rest was real hard work. Thanks for the help, and goof luck to you, regards john aka shoe dr.