HELP! Pouch Producing Acid!
Has anyone has this problem?
I have had a terrible history of GERD/acid reflux or hyperacidity---it seems my stomach has always produced too much stomach acid.
When i was only 16 i had terrible erosions in my esophagus from the stomach acid. I was thrilled when i was told that this problem would go away because the part of the stomach that produces acid would be seperated.
Since I was newly post op i felt an awful burning in my stomach but i just thought i was hungry. I am a year post op now and this same burning has gotten worse and now i have it all the time and it has become painful.
I have to take 300mg of Zantac a day (4 times the over the counter dosage) and it still doesn't make the burning go away.
I have talked to my surgeon and he says it's uncommon for the pouch to produce acid but i have talked to other patients who have had the same problem. I am going to have an endoscopy but i am afraid that a year of this has caused some serious damage. Is it possible the stomach acid has damaged my original stomach as well & if so how would they know if the endoscopy can't see past the pouch. Does anyone know?
Thanks for listening
I started to get an ulcer in my new stomach about 1.5 years out. I could tell because I had had an ulcer before and it was burning and acidy-feeling and felt better if I ate. I started taking prilosec OTC every day and had relief within a day! My doctor said there are people who take it forever, so not to worry about what it says on the package. I still take it every other day (now 3 yrs. out) and have had no problems. I would get checked, though, to make sure it's not so bad that it's bleeding or perforated. With mine I got it as it was just beginning...
having had MANY endos I can re-assure you that the MD CAN SEE THE POUCH. the tupe passes though it in to the RNY section of you new intersection of pouch and intestines. ( this intersection is where my ulcer is!!!)
I also am having reflux and acid. I have had an ulcer since day one and have ENdos every 8 weeks. Both my gastro and Surgeron do not believe I am having acid reflux ....... but when I lie down and go to roll I know the feeling in my pouch is not just gas... ( esp when I need to voimt up this gass!) I also had GRED since I was a kid and I know the symptoms bettern that I kew my EX hubby. ( wink) I am on three different meds and now they are talking about more surgery. Oh BOY!
The other day when I saw my PCP I asked her ........before the RYN. I had an active Duodadual ulcer, as well as an older peptic ulce and a hiatial hernia.......... All of these are cintained in the by-passed section of my new anatomy....... I am wondering if the pain I stil feel is from those pre-surgical contditions, She told me that could be, but not likely as the previcid and carafate shouls solve them both.......... SHe then said they could look inside and see if they were healed ............. OK SO BUT GUESS WHAT............. because of the bypass the endo can no longer scope it way though and the remant stomach and dodeanum so they would have to do it surgically! I have anothe endo in a few weeks and I will talk to my gastro about the pre-existing rpoblems causing these problems now.
Oh the other reason for the acid refulx, may be a break in the separation of the pouchand stomache........ so ask your MD is he/she fully separated the two or just placed a barrier of stiches to separate them. Full separation by cutting results in less re-currant reflux ( NONE ACCORDING to the MD"S!)
Good luck.,