Many post complications--Need Help

Terry L.
on 2/27/05 3:26 am - Escanaba, MI
Here is my story. The week before the surgery I had a vena cava put in my groin to prevent blood clots going to my chest, head and lungs. I had gastric bypass surgery Dec 27, 2004. The surgery went well and so did the leak test. About 3 weeks later I got blood clots in my legs. So they put me on Lovenox and Coumadin. Then I was bleeding internally and I was getting so fatigued. They admitted me back in the hospital to do an endoscopy where they found out I had a leak or an ulcer in my stomach. They lasered it and that was fixed. Then since they gave me the 3 pints of blood, my blood was thicker again and I got the clots back in my legs. I believe I also had a sciatic problem. The pain was about a 9 or 10. I went to my local physician and he told me that the surgeon should take care of me. I called the surgeon and he said the local physician should be taking care of me. I felt like no one wanted to take care of me. Finally the surgeon talked to my physician and my local physician was going to take care of me, but when I told him of my pain in my legs he made it sound like it was all in my head and that it didn't hurt that much. I have been in so much pain now for the last couple of weeks and the doctor only gave me Ultram to take for the pain. The pain probably has went down to about a 7, but my legs still hurt and I am supposed to go back to work Monday but I still don't think I could handle it even though I do medical transcription. It hurts so much when I get up I could just scream. I don't know what to do now. Should I find another physician who will help me with my legs or what. I am desparate. If anyone can please help me that would be wonderful.
Dawn W.
on 2/28/05 10:42 am - Winchester, VA
I think you need to seek a 2nd opinion from a GP or even try to get in to see a neurologist or orthopedist. I hope the pain lets up soon. Best Wishes.
Terry L.
on 3/1/05 9:01 am - Escanaba, MI
Thanks for the advise. That is what I thought I should try to do.
sandra H.
on 3/1/05 10:15 am - fairview, TN
Please find another physician..Ultram is not a drug for this type of surgery pain. I have had this surgery & am a medical professional. Hang in there..sandie
Ruth S.
on 3/1/05 11:27 pm - Orlando, FL
Terry, I'm sorry that you're having such difficulties. I'm perplexed that your surgeon was passing you off like that. Did you blood clotting issues before the surgery? If you did then your reg doc was aware - and should help. If it happened to you after Bypass - then your surgeon should be attending to you (my opinion) - and I would be in his "face" til he takes care of this situation. But your reg. doc is no angel either. I would tell him either he helps you or you will be looking for another doc - and THAT is not in your head. I would also find out what medical term you have and see if you can find a specialist. Good luck to you. (I'm seeking to learn Medical Transcription - is it a good choice?).
on 5/14/05 10:43 pm - Egg Harbor Twp, NJ
Hi Terry, I had my surgery on 4/6. I have a history of blod clots so my surgeon insisted I get a greenfield filter. Three weeks after surgery I couldn't stand felt like my legs would give out. Went to the ER and was admitted, after 3 days and many tests ( including a doppler) they didn't know what was wrong with me. by the 4th day my left leg was huge and they did another doppler finding blod clots I was in the hospital for 9 more days on heperin. I could not walk on my left leg the pain was so great. They sent me home with demerol, I was flat on my back with leg raised for the entire week. I had to use a wheel chair to get around and even that was exhausting. The second week home the pain was gone but leg is very weak. can stand for short periods and walk short distances. I'm still dealing with it.I go to a hematologist next week , because my leg is still swollen. Please let me know how you ar doing. Olga
george G.
on 6/10/05 7:14 am - lincoln, NE
I to had many complicatioins. After my surgery on 5/11/5, things were Ok.I was up sitting in a chair 5 hours after laproscopic surgery. Then I started to spit up bright blood, and also throw up blood. They stopped the vomiting, and said it was nothing to worry about. The next day I was up and walking, with no apparent problems. I was on liquids only, and started to hiccup violently. They gave me some more medicine to stop, and sent me down for X-Rays and a CT-Scan. On the third day, my back went out and I couldn't even stand due to the pain. On the fourth day, my left leg was so swollen, i could not bend it. They found I had a blood clot from my knee to my groin. After the 5th day my blood count and pressure was dropping. They took me down for another CT-Scan, and found internal bleeding. They stopped the blood thinners, and started me on whole blood. The next morning they went in and repaired the damage.To make a long story short, I was in ICU for 17 days, and in the Hospital for 20 days total. Since I've been home, I have limited stamina, and my left leg is still swollen.
Terry L.
on 6/25/05 11:16 am - Escanaba, MI
Thank you for you response to my note. I was having a real bad time. Ask you doctor to get a home physicial therapist, that helped a lot. Also if you physician won't help you go to a place that has an Emergency Room and see if they will help you. It was rough for me, but I finally am feeling better. I have lost 87 lbs now since December 27. I feel so much better than I did 2 months ago. I almost felt like I wasn't going to make it through, but I did. With the help of my family, friends and co-workers, they kept my spirits up. You can E-mail me anytime at [email protected] and I will respond as soon as I can, but I am not on as often anymore, because I am more active and working alot more. Take care and hopefully you feel better soon.
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