open incision/after 6 weeks
Is your doctor aware that your wound is still open? I think it is more common than most ppl think it is, but I would try and get it taken care of asap. I used to work for a surgeon that performed open rny and the worse case I ever saw ended up requiring skin grafts on the incision to close it. If your doctor is not already aware, please call him.
Good Luck,
I have the same problem. I had my surgery on 11/19/2004, and I still have an open incision and weeping from the wound. My surgeon says it is normal, and it will probally take another 2 months to get it closed. He is telling me to just cover it and let it drain. I am diabetic, and still taking insulin and pills. I am not sure why it wont heal, I dont think it is normal, but everyone says its okay