wls nightmare
Hello Everyone, I really need to share this hoping it will save someone's life. I had my open rny on 11-26. had my 2 week check up 12 days later. I expressed to the surgeon my concerns about some popping going on in my abdomen for the past 2 days. He said it was nothing just some muscles. Well 2 days later at 5:30 am i was awakened with some coughing (I had a asthemitic cough sinse before surgery and they expressed no concern). I had been sleeping with my hands over my belly and with the awakening of the coughing due to the feeling of my hands feeling warm and wet. I turned on the light to find to my horror my hands were covered in blood. I called my hubby down and by the time he came down to assist me in calling 911 i was drenched in blood. I could not stop coughing and every caugh spurted more and more blood. In the er i received 2 units of blood and surgery to resew my entire encision. My binder was holding everything in or I would have had no chance of surviving this ordeal at all. Over the next 2 days i received 2 more units of blood and lots of meds. I truely had an angel looking over me. Dr's said I should have not survived this. Please pass around. If you have a cough of anykind DON'T rely on the surgeon to postpond the surgeon PLEASE do it yourself. I realize the surgery is important but so is your life. I'm being told I'm a first in the history, well let's keep it an only case. Don't let this happen to you. They warn about a cold and such but nobody said or expressed concern about my caugh over my asthemitic caugh. I'm truely blessed and lucky to be alive. But, my hubby is still scarred I'm not living throu this. For the first 4 days in the hosp he did not leave my side for his own meds or to nurish himself. He knew I was leaving him. I truely don't want to see anyone else go throu what we have been trough. God Bless All Martha

I found your story MArtha lol! WOW i am so glad you are ok i will be praying got you and thinking of you. Your Poor husband my husband is acting strange leading up to thursday, he is worried about this surgery and wants to hold my hand and hug and kiss all the time. But remember i am thinking of you!