does anyone that has had lap band surgery have pain in their left side when they take
in a deep breath not a horrible pain but I would rate it a 5 on the scale from 1 to 10.
it seems like when I drink something since I am on full liquids that I feel like I need to cough, and the cough makes my left side and shoulder hurt.
I don't cough up much of nothing if anything clearing mucus ( sorry so graphic) but I just feel like I need to cough. No on is in my dr office till monday , and I have to call then anyways to make my 2 week appointment.
If you are just out of surgery, it's probably your body getting used to having something inside it. I'm sure that it will back off and calm down. The shoulder pain is from the gasses they used for the lap surgery, and they had to work around your diaphragm, which has the same nerve path as your shoulder, which is why it hurts. Lap banders that are far out still get the shoulder pain sometimes (myself included, 5 months post op).
make sure you are drinking your water, etc. I'm sure you are fine

I don't know if you're still having the left side pain, but I had it off and on for several months after surgery. I think it was one of the major places where they moved the instruments around! Anway, mine would hurt when I would eat a little too much, especially if I would lay on my back after that. Hopefully, you're feeling better, but I just wanted to say it's not an uncommon pain, and it may come and go for a few months. I'm 6 months out and haven't had that pain for 2-3 months now.
How are you doing with your band? Do you come to the Lap Band forum?
420/350/under 200