I feel like my pouch is closed and cant eat...

Teri J.
on 11/4/04 9:48 am - WA
HELP!! I am 10 weeks post-op and have tried solid foods but it feels as tho it gets stuck in my throat just as it should be entering my pouch. It feels like the food has gotten stuck at the bottom of a funnel. Does anyone know what may cause this? I chew the food to where there is almost nothing left but I still get that painful 'lump' in my throat.
Debbie W.
on 11/17/04 11:50 pm - Falls Church, VA
Teri, At 7 weeks from surgery, I had a similar feeling that solid food was stuck, and had to throw it up to get rid of it. As it turned out, I had a stricture. The opening from my stomach/pouch to my intestine had closed up (almost completely) to 3mm due to scar tissue. I had to have a procedure performed (outpatient) to increase the opening to 12mm. You should call your doctor for advice ASAP. Please take care, Debbie
on 11/20/04 1:39 am - Glendale, AZ
I am 7 weeks post-op and feel the same way when I eat anything that is "solid". I dont have any problems with the liquids, but the solid food just feels like it is SITTING there and usually I have to make myself throw-up because it is so painful. I have my Dr. appt coming up and was going to ask him then. It makes it so I dont even want to eat ANYTHING because I am so afraid of it getting stuck!!
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