
B B.
on 9/26/04 6:26 am - AL
Hey all- Just asking if anyone knows what stricture is and what the symptoms are. Is there anything in particular that causes it to happen? Please reply. Thank you Becca -33
on 9/27/04 11:03 am - AZ
Stricture is when the opening to your pouch is very very small and won't let anything in. I don't know what cause it in some folks and not others. If you are unable to keep ANYTHING down you might have a stricture. Jill
on 10/16/07 1:50 am
So how does the procedure work to reverse or remove the stricture? thanks!
on 7/23/09 9:36 am - CA
I see this post was a long time ago but I thought I'd respond anyway. I had my DS surgery september 07 and developed a stricture at the bottom of my stomach around february 08 at first no one knew what was wrong because strictures are not common with the DS but ultimately i ended up in the hospital because i had no food or fluid period for about a week and was extremely sick. I had an upper endoscopy which revealed the exit of my stomach was only open about a pin hole size. I had to have a balloon dilation to open it back up it lasted 4 weeks i had it done every 4 weeks through november 08 in november 08 i saw a gastric specialist who dilated me and used steroid injections and that dilation lasted about 8 months and I am about to face another one. I am hoping the end is in sight. I made it to my goal in 7 months and I am still happy I had surgery even though this is taking its toll. Hope this helps feel free to email with any questions.
on 8/17/09 4:42 am
can you be specific about what your symptoms were?  I think I may have this...  Any vomiting at nightime?

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