I have not lost or gained 1 oz. in the past 3 months. I had my surgery 2-6-04 and lost 75 lbs. I still need to lose about 80 lbs. more. I have written down what I eat. I try, and succeed most days, to drink 2 protein drinks. I eat cream of wheat with 3 tsp. yogurt for breakfast. Usually 6 boiled shrimp for lunch. An egg & 1/4 card size piece of lean meat or 2 eggs for dinner. 1 fudgecicle a day and tons of water. Everything I eat is sugar free as I am a diabetic. I also eat 4-6 baked chips as a snack some days. That's it. What am I doing wrong. I walk on the treadmill for 15 minutes each day except Sat. and Sunday and do 15 minutes of light exercises. I can't exercise more because of my arthritis pain. The nurse just said I needed to exercise more. Please help! I'm depressed AND DESPERATE!

Dear Bonnie Lou,
Don't give up hope! Everyone hits plateaus, and your situation has happened to most of us at about the same time. Sometimes it is just a matter of adding more protein or adding more calories to jump start the weight loss. Have you tried eating low-fat string cheese or cheese slices for a mid-morning snack? If you can eat the cheese, it would be a healthy addition to your diet and may help add a little protein if that is what is needed. Can you eat fruit? A pear or peach or even some strawberries or blueberries could add some calories and still be okay for your diabetic diet, natural sources of sugar are better, right? My husband was recently diagnosed with diabetes and I have been educating myself on it. I have been at a plateau for over a year and I have about forty more pounds to go. I have been struggling with complications as well, but have wanted to make more changes in my family's diet as well as my own. My husband's diagnosis has been good for all of us. I am educating myself about the most healthy diet and foods out there for him as well as my kids. I think you are doing great, and you should not be depressed or lose hope. You are so brave for making the decision to have this surgery, and those 75 pounds you have already lost are gone forever! You go girl! You are a model patient with both your diet and your food journal and exercise. I am proud of you and know you aren't doing anything wrong. More exercise is always good, but this won't last forever. You will begin losing weight again soon, don't give up! You are doing everything right, and I am inspired by your example. 75 pounds is alot to lose in four months, on anyone's scale. You will succeed.
Monica Ward
I don't see many fruits or vegetables in your diet. You may want to add some variety. Also, are you drinking enough water? Your body needs water and dehydration will cause your metabolism to slow down. Finally, are you taking vitamins? If you're not getting the answers that you need from your doctor, try to find a support group in your area.
We're very fortunate here in Delaware to have PMRI. They host support groups, gastric bypass life skills classes, cooking classes for gastric bypass patients and lots of nutritional classes.
Finally, I kow that you're getting in some protein but did they tell you how many grams of protein you should be eating each day. A lack of protein is another cause of slow to no weight loss.
Hi I have a friend who has the same problem with exercise she has taken up pool walking. She goes to the local pool does some water aerobics and has figured out how many laps equal a mile and walks the length of the pool until she has completed her mile. She can't have WLS surgery for financial reasons so she found at least this way she has lost 40 lbs in the last 6 months and is having fun and more energy. The water doesn't allow your full weight to be on your joints so it should be good for your arthritis My dad suffers with arthritis so I understand what your pain is. IF you could find a heated pool would be even better. Good Luck to you and don't be discouraged I keep hitting plateaus so I understand.
Hi Bonnie,
First of all, here is a (((hug))).
I read your post and what you eat, and if I am being honest, I don't think you are eating enough!!! Seriously! Your food choices are excellent, but it doesn't look like you are getting protein or calories in each day, especially considering you are 4 months out.
Does your dietician have you on a certain amount of calories each day? If so, how many?
You said that you are getting your protein drinks in twoce a day? When do you drink them? I heard after breakfast and after lunch are the best times. Do you use milk or water in your shakes? I don't like using all milk s I use 4 oz of water and 4 oz of milk. You can sneak in more calories and protein this way.
Why don't you try switching around your menu a bit. Try this:
B: 2 eggs or 2 ounces of lean meat
S: Protein shake
L: Shrimp
S: Protein shake
D: yogurt with cream of wheat
I have heard that breakfast and lunch should be the meals with the highest protein.
Give it a shot, sweetie! You will lose those 80 lbs. Hang in there!
I agree with Denise, I don't think your getting enough protein or calories. You need 800-1000 calories per day and 80 - 100 grams of protein. I lose best when I'm right at 1000 and 100. is an excellent tool to help you manage your "tool". Record your input every day and check your stats, I wager your not getting anywhere near enough of protein or calories.
Try cheddar cheese sticks instead of your chips, they really help me squash the carb cravings.
Here's an example of my typical menu:
Pre-Breakfast: Protein shake 20
Breakfast: 1 scoop Protein powder mixed with FF Cream Cheese on a toasted mini bagel.
Lunch: 3 ounces Brisket w/BBQ sauce
Snack: nuts or jerky or cheese stick
Dinner: 2-3 ounces of Meat chicken/steak/ham/crab legs, bite or two of veggies
Snack: cheese stick
Bedtime: Protein shake
Usually this is about 800-900 calories and about 90 grams of protein.
I hope this helps!!
Happy thoughts,
5' 3.5"
-82 pounds
This is usually about