Help with fluids under skin?
Hi, I just came back from my 10 day post-op appointment. I was kinda worried because the pants that I usually have to hitch up are, well, snug now, which would mean that my middle expanded. The doc didn't take my staples out, since he said there was fluid accumulated under the incision - which explains that my waist isn't shrinking. I need to go back in 10 days for an ultrasound and then, he will decide whether it needs to be drained. Does anyone have any experience with this?
Also, I mentionned in passing that I have a lot of hiccups. He said that it was important that I mentionned it (I wish he had told me that before I serendipitously remarked upon it), because it can mean that air gets trapped in the "old" stomach and pushes on the esophagus. It can happen that this trapped air must be released through an incision/needle puncture through the outer stomach wall and the skin. Again, does anyone know anything about this? And should I wait until I am doubled over in pain before I call the doctor (2 hours away) or the ER?
On the plus side: I lost 19 pounds.
Any info is greatly appreciated, you guys are the best,
open rny
You may have a seroma. Sometimes it needs to be drained, sometimes it pops open. I have an open seroma right now, it's about two inches and a little painful. Just be patient. Your doctor is aware and will not let you die or anyhting like. I'm a worrier and worry all the time because my seroma looks like someone cut me open, so I know how you feel. It'll be fine.
i had an almost massive fluid collection right under my incision. it started out as this little opening in my incision about 1 week post op. then it started draining....alot. the doc told me that was normal. then i had this hardness and all under om skin near the incision and it hurt...really bad. so i went to my 2 week post op appt. and my doc looked at it and decided to put this swab with alcohol on it into the little opening of my incision. i felt something pop and all this stuff started pouring out of me. i felt so much relief. i never felt better. he said ok?..i wqs like...absolutley and i left the office. about 3 days later i started feeling like crap. i just put it off as being really tired and all because i wasnt eating right. i went on like that for about 6 weeks. my incision look like someone hacked at me with a butcher knife and my body looked like something from the living dead. then on May 15th i was hospitalized becasue i almost died. i spent 2 weeks in the hospital with a staff infection from that fluid collection. it attacked everything in my body. i didnt help it by not eating right and working myself to death. but, what i was told was that some of the fluid had gotten into blood stream and all and i just slowly went down hill untill my body just shut down because i had nothing left. so if i were you, please get whatever you can taken care asap. im only one person who had a horrible experince with something like that but, i just wanted to let you know what happened to me. i do hope everything goes well for you. i am actually 100% right now and im 4 months post op. god bless and hugs and kisses.
On my 10 followup and to get my staples out, I had fluid under the skin, seratoma-I believe its called, and all he did was open the bottom of the incision and pushed on my abdomen(painless) and all this fluid gushed out...and now I am to pack the empty hole with gauze and keep it covered to prevent infection daily. It does leak yellowish fluid daily. Packing the hole keeps the wound from healing from the outside in because it needs to heal from the inside out. If the fluid does not come out, it will cause an infection. I am surprised they have drained it for you.