kink and\or bowel obstruction

on 5/7/12 1:22 am - TX
can someone please tell me the recovery time after bowel obstruction surgery? i have a 15 mnth and a 4 yr old so kinda worried about the recovery time! i have been dealing with severe pain in my abdomen cramping, nausea, vommiting, horrible smelling gas and pressure on my back like crazy! i did go to the ER but we all know how that goes! anyhow i went to a wls dr and he said sound like a kink or bowel obstruction! odered the test but today has not been a good day woke up @ 4 am with intence pain so i took my protonix and i am still in pain! ugh the waiting game is on! IDK why if he thought this he didnt just send me somewhere to have it checked a.s.a.p!
on 5/7/12 3:24 am - Cary, IL
 A bowel obstruction can be life threatening! If your surgeon thinks this is a possibility, and has not taken action to treat/diagnose this, please get another opinion. In the meantime, if you are still having the symptoms, please go to the ER. I hope you feel better soon!

Jules RNY 10/30/2007

on 5/11/12 11:44 am - Indianapolis, IN
I have had two bowel obstructions operated on.  I agree that if you are in pain then you need to go to the ER because they came be life threatening! I had my last surgery on a Friday and was back to work on Monday.  Healing just depends on the person.  But please get a second opinion!

Stephanie E
on 5/17/12 10:37 pm
Stephanie...were both bowel obstructions after WLS.  Did the doctor tell you why it happened twice? 

on 5/18/12 8:18 pm
What has been your outcome?

Eric R.
on 5/29/12 7:26 am - Sevierville, TN
Please anyone reading this take this warning serious. I had a twisted bowel and several hours later I had to be flown to the hospital for emergency surgery in the middle of the night. I barely was able to save that portion of my bowel.. I was basically cut wide open..

My healing time was about 6 weeks given the size of the incision.
on 7/22/12 1:02 am - NY
Please, get to the hospital.
I had stomach pain one night this past march, 11 years since my 1st surgery. I was in the operating room that afternoon with intentional obstructions. Not even twisting. GET TO THE HOSPITAL. Your concern for your kids is wonderful, but they need there mommy with them...forever. do not worry or over worry about a revovery time, Please. I am not meaning to scare, but this happened to me in March from adhesions and scar tissues. Also people have problems with the mesh, if you had that used.
I just lost a friend 2 DAYS AGO. seriously.
Please, think quickly and talk to your family, yur doctor, but dont wait...PLEASE. I am begging you and this is my 2nd post here.

God Bless

My recovery time was petty quick, basically 2-3 weeks, but only really bad for the first 1--14 days.  Maybe because, they used the same incision I've had used a few times before.  thus, part of my adhesion and scar tissue problem.  I had open procedures. 

There are very smart people here, please listen to them.

shhot, I didnt check the date of your post, itmay be from last year!!!  Oh well.

on 10/9/14 12:32 pm

I had surgery two days 3rd obstruction that needed surgery. Nothing showed up on tests prior to this surgery. I can go back to work in 2 weeks. Was done laposcopically. Last one , I was back work in 1 week. If pain doesn't let up, u need to go to ER. My first obstruction, I had symptoms on and off for months. Went in by ambulance when pain wouldn't go away. Ended up being strangulated bowel obstruction  dr said 1 more hour and I'd have been dead. Don't mess around. 


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