Complications after BPS/DS

on 6/12/11 2:54 pm
 Hey all,

I just wanted to share some of the complications that I experienced after having my BPD/DS procedure in January.  

Complication #1- I had the procedure and woke up in recovery fine, got up and walking a few hours after surgery.  I started having chest pain and they took some labs and did an EKG but everything came back normal, two hours later I woke up in a panic because I was having trouble seeing and didn't feel well.  They took labs again and found that I had internal bleeding (my hematocrit had dropped significantly).  I went back under the knife, and they repaired numerous micro-bleeds throughout my abdomen, gave me 6 pints of blood and 1 bag of plasma.  I obviously did survive, and started back on the path to recovery.

Complication #2- I was still having some issues with recovery a couple weeks after surgery and "sprung a leak" of clear fluid.  I ended up with a softball sized seroma.  It took a couple more weeks for this to completely drain with the aid of a "wick"

Complication #3- 3 months out from surgery I got a partial hernia.  I have not gone back under the knife for this one, as they believe with restricting my amount of weight lifted for almost a month would allow the muscles time to heal.  Considering the inital surgery I was willing to give it a shot.  Thus far it seems to have resolved itself. 

Complication #4- 2 months after surgery I started having some skin issues (rash-like) going o see a dermatologist soon, but thus far they have been throwing steroid creams and lotions at it even anti-fungals and nothing has worked.  :(

Above all I wanted people who are going to get the surgery to realize, there is a chance of complications with any surgery.  You have to weigh those options when deciding, but my life is so much more improved even with the complications that I had.  I would most definitely do this surgery all over again if given the choice, and I hope others that have complications can keep positive.  Good luck to you all in your journey!

SW-237     CW-120      GW-130         HT-5' 0.5"
DS - 1/18/11

(deactivated member)
on 6/16/11 2:41 am
Hey Sandra, sorry to hear about your troubles.

What jumped out at me immediately was your surgeon.  I've never seen his name before as someone performing the DS surgery.  It's a very complicated procedure and as a result those of us old timers are really on the lookout for newbies.

If you haven't done so already, I would suggest coming over to the DS board.  We are very knowledgeable about this surgery, and supplementation, and a very important place for support for DSers.

wishing you luck.

on 6/22/11 3:01 am
 Thanks Sharon for your reply :)  My surgeon was not unfamiliar with the DS surgery.  Unfortunately it's not the one he primarily does.  However the complications that arose from the surgery I don't believe was anything that he caused.  The internal bleeding was kind of weird, like even he and the surgeons assisting were puzzled by it, because it was many micro bleeds throughout my abdomen, not just around the surgery sites.  However they did go in and get it all taken care of, for which I am supremely greatful!  LOL!

I have made my way over to the DS board although i don't remember if I had posted about it my surgery or not, I did take a look at the supplementations, advice, and stories of others.  From what I have read I am very lucky with my surgeon being so consistent with making sure I'm not vitamin deficient and checking my labs every 3 months for this first year.  It looked as though that's not an all together common thing with some of these surgeons, but it is so very important!

I'm very glad that people like you are looking out for us Newbies, and congratulations on meeting and keeping your goal from your DS. :) Thanks again!!


SW-237     CW-120      GW-130         HT-5' 0.5"
DS - 1/18/11

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