Joint pain and muscle soreness 3 years post-op RNY

on 5/5/11 5:54 am, edited 5/5/11 6:02 am
RNY on 05/28/08 with
I have been reading with great compassion the suffering of the posters here. Although I have been suffering for about 8 months with WLS related symptoms, reading of the suffering of others puts in all into perspective. Because I know what suffering is (both mental and physical), I have so much empathy for those among us who are struggling to improve our quality of life.

One of the common themes I see here is that our suffering has forced us to become knowlegeable patients who want to be involved in our treatment options. I can empathize with those *****late the experience of sharing what they've learned with their doctors who may have limited experience with post-bariatric patients; we sometimes seem to be more aware of medical terms, symptoms, exams & labs, and meds than our well-meaning physicians. Don't get me wrong; I am relying on my doctors to use all their skill and knowlege to help treat my symptoms. Reading the struggles of those like us has given me more determination be as well-informed as I can and insist on being an active participant in my treatment.

In hopes of coming across someone who has experienced similar symptoms as myself, I have posted on a few different forums and actually was blessed enough to have two people suffering similarly. I am grateful that I am not alone.

I am suffering from joint inflammation and pain. Doctors have ruled out RA and gout, and their working diagnosis is migratory poly-arthritis caused by a bacterial overgrowth somewhere in my GI tract as a result of my RNY in May of 2008.  Anti-biotics haven't cured the overgrowth, so I am scheduled for a consult at the Cedars Sinai GI Motility clinic to see if they can either confirm the diagnosis or pinpoint some other cause and suggest a course of treatment. If we can't find another cause for the joint pain, my PCP and Bariatric surgeon advise reversal of my RNY. At this point, because of the debilitating nature of my joint pain, I am inclined to proceed with the reversal. There are no guarantees it will cure my joint pain. I did have an anastomatic ulcer (due to heavy NSAID use to treat my inflammed joints) which has healed, so at least a revision of the RNY won't be necessary.

After 8 months of physical and emotional suffering, I am staying positive and awaiting a mid-June appointment at Cedars. Waiting for appointments and tests has been a very trying thing during this whole process.
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
on 5/30/11 4:02 am - Temecula, CA
Wow.... just replied to another post of yours.  I'm having similar issues..... could you post any new information if you find out anything?  I totally know how trying it is..... i've been taking pain meds for months, but I'd like to know why its happening in the first place.
on 6/25/11 8:35 am
I had a reversal of my rny 3.5 years after my surgery. I had to fly from colorado to new york to find a surgeon that would perform it but it has saved my life. oddly I never had joint pain pre rny, but post rny is a TOTALLY different story.
I also had problems with bacteria but it manifested in my girl parts instead.
I went thru 12 different doctors which at times was maddening but it paid off because here I am.
I still have residual peripheral neuropathy which is a constant reminder of my rny but my health has stopped the downward spiral. now I can walk a couple of miles and do some light excersising whereas before my takedown I couldnt stay awake for more than 2 hours at a time.
I hope you find the help you need

on 11/29/11 10:21 pm
Hi!  I saw your post about considering RNY reversal due to your joint inflammation and pain.  I've been experiencing some similar issues over the last few years.  I'm ten years post now.  However, I've learned how to alleviate the pain and get myself back on track.  Please send me an email to [email protected] and put your name in the subject line so I know it's from you.  I'd love to share with you how to get your body back to normal and live life again!

God bless!


Open RNY 8/30/01





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