Re-Sleeve or DS? Need Help!
(And I know how this will sound. No, I am not a troll. . .) Has anyone had any bowel complications from the DS, such as diarrhea, nasty od******ultiple bowel movements, and then, nutritional disorders? He has spoken with many DSers in our support group, and while they love their surgery, they all seem to have really nasty, smelly diarrhea and gas. My hubby needs to know if this is a universal thing, does it get better with time, does it get worse with time? Any information will be greatly appreciated. (I should note, that while this might not be a deal-breaker to some, he doesn't have convenient access to restroom facilities on his job and fears being stranded in an urgent situation). He's running out of time to make a decision, and really could use some input.
Any and all information will be greatly appreciated.

As for urgency, well twicein the last 14 months I have had an "accident", but both times were in the morning and a little squirted out in my undies as I approached the bathroom. I had eaten sugar the day before and sugar makes my poo rather soft. I had just woken up too and probably waited just a bit too long.
When I eat properly my poo is rather normal. Again, I think the whole bowel urgency thing is rather exxagerated.
As for doing the full DS, I know that right now Dr. Greenbaum is not taking any new revision patients. I don't know if that means revision from VSG to DS or not. You might want to call the office to find out. From what I understand Dr. Wasser doesn't do the DS, but I could be wrong about that.
The other thing too is that your husband does need to realize that vitamin deficiencies are more prevelent with the DS. Dr. Greenbaum's list of vitamins is lacking to say the least. He'll need to get dry vitamins for AEDK since DSers malabsorb 80% - 90% of all fat that they take in so fat soluable vitamins are just not good for us. has these vitamins in dry form. I do take a lot more vitamins than I used to, but I'm ok with it. I also take potassium since I seem to have some difficulties keeping my potassium levels up to normal.
If you need anything else, or have any questions lemme know!
I also heard the "never trust a fart" advice, but have only experienced that once . . . perhaps because I was so paranoid about it that I never took any chances. I can tell you that early on when I was compliant with primarily protein, cutting carbs way down, etc., my normal routine was to have one main elimination (bowel movement) in the morning, then I would urinate several times during the day and maybe a couple at night. Didn't have major issues with gas unless I indulged in carbs or sweets.
Now, I'm getting back on track after a 2 year free for all of eating all the wrong things (food is still my coping mechanism, but I'm conquering that each day now). During the two years I was usually bloated and gassy. Could have several, not-so-solid, extremely smelly eliminations during the day and terrible, terrible, terrrrrrrrrrrible gas.
In the just over three weeks that I have been back on track, my body has gone right back to a morning elimination (smelly, but not NEARLY as bad), several bathroom trips to pay the water bill and so far I have passed gas once each day, later in the evening (again, not pleasant, but not the crime against nature that it was before).
This is just from my experience, but I hope it helps.
Gas is also a problem with RNY and controled with OTC medications.
If he stretched his pouch once with the sleeve, the DS might be the best bet for him.