Severe abdominal pain
Has any of the doctors suggested a camera endoscopy. You swallow a small camera capsule that takes pictures from ingestion to excretion. this way images can be seen that imaging studies may not be able to see?
Be your own advocate and if something does not seem right listen because only you know what is normal and know when something is not right.
Need be get second opinion.
Do what you think is right for yourself, listen to you, because only you know really know yourself no one else.
It is difficult when doctors think it all in your head and seem demissive. Letg them know you do not like the demissive tone and that it makes you feel insignificant. Basically stating you do not like tone used and appreciate that it be used.
After having gallbladder removed the liver continuously makes bile that is secreted into small intestine and stomach which is extremely irritating causing many digestive issues from nausea, pain, gas, bloating ect. And yes gallstones can still be formed after the gallbladder is removed.
If the HIDA scan is inconclusive there is always the possibilityy of using a pediatric endoscope and do a modified ERCP and the pediatric endoscope can go further into small intestine and into roux limb so biopsoies can be taken from areas not done before.
Other idea camera endoscopy, even look at issues that may have been preexisting before surgery that manifested worse afterwards.
I will keep you in my thoughts of wellness and hope answers found soon.
thank you for the kind words, i'd like to keeep in touch with you and you can let me know how things are going with you and vice versa. thankfully i have been doing good the past 2 days, no vomiting, just nausea and abd pain. i am glad i posted, i was hesitant. i don't feel alone in this. i feel like my surgery was/is sucessful, but are these problems related to gastric bypass or is this something i had before? i had stomach problems before, GERD. still take nexium for that. my gi diagnosed me with ibs a few years before my GB, but he was grasping, not really sure what was wrong with me. i'm looking into a second opinion, i'll give my surgeon and gi dr's this week to get results of the HIDA scan(the tech told me today during the test that i had a lot of reflux from my small intestine) but he could be wrong, have to wait for the official report. i'll keep you posted and in my prayers.
i am not sure if you saw the post on how IBS actually shows brain differences compared to women that do not have. the difference was in women who had pain as its primary complaint with IBS. It is under roux en Y i believe. if can not find it let me know and i can get it to you. i even emailed the researchers to see if the same process could be for those after gastric bypass as well. this just shows the brain gut hypothesis are correct and there is deffinately a change after symptoms so no longer a stress thing and no longer can be said nothing wrong