A bulge under of my incisions
I had the R & Y on Feb 22, lapriscopically. I noticed on my 5th day at home after my Lovenox shot that there was a bump or bulge an inch under my incision on the right hand side. I thought it was fluid retention, but called the nurse just to check. She said probably and to keep an eye on it. There has been no pain to speak of.
While reaching into my washer, I had to lean into the machine and I pressed this bump up against the washer, it was a bit tender to the pressure. I don't know why, but suddenly it dawned on me that maybe this is a hernia. I was to start back to work recently but contacted the surgeon's office and they moved my office visit from the middle of next month to this Tuesday.
So, I am freaking out a bit. I've never had a hernia, I don't know anyone that's ever had one. I am scared.
Anyone with smiliar experiences?
While reaching into my washer, I had to lean into the machine and I pressed this bump up against the washer, it was a bit tender to the pressure. I don't know why, but suddenly it dawned on me that maybe this is a hernia. I was to start back to work recently but contacted the surgeon's office and they moved my office visit from the middle of next month to this Tuesday.
So, I am freaking out a bit. I've never had a hernia, I don't know anyone that's ever had one. I am scared.

Anyone with smiliar experiences?
Did you find out if it was a hernia? I had a hernia in my belly button. It bothered me for months and I saw a hernia surgeon that told me not to worry about it because it was too small. But the pain got so bad after a while, I could not bend to put my pants on or tie my shoes, or lean forward too much. Just about every doc I saw said my pain was probably not my hernia. I saw my gynocologist, thinking it was my uterous or something and told himof the hernia. He stuck his finger in my belly button and BULLS-EYE!!!!
Oh, the pain!!!!!! It WAS my hernia all along! I was eventually lead by another doc to a different surgeon and had my hernia removed, as well as 20lbs of belly fat. (I had lost allot of weight and my hanging belly was pulling on the hernia.) Hernias don't always hurt, I have heard. (don't quote me on that, though) So, did you find out what your bulge was? Was it a hernia?

Oh, the pain!!!!!! It WAS my hernia all along! I was eventually lead by another doc to a different surgeon and had my hernia removed, as well as 20lbs of belly fat. (I had lost allot of weight and my hanging belly was pulling on the hernia.) Hernias don't always hurt, I have heard. (don't quote me on that, though) So, did you find out what your bulge was? Was it a hernia?
Do you see the glass as half empty or half full? I say, what difference does it make--I paid for a full glass,so either way I am getting jipped!!!
Yes, I had the surgery. I had it done on Feb. 25. I am still recovering. They repaired the hernia, but also gave me a panniculectomy, where they remove allot of hanging skin and fat from the belly. I had 20lbs removed from my belly. (talk about a major tummy tuck!) They cut just above my belly button and took everything below it, so I have no belly button right now. I also have one large incision going from one hip, continuing down over my pubic area, and continuing up to the other hip. It's ok though, because I look much better. I hope to feel much better too eventually. I am still sore from such a major surgery. My surgeon said it can take anywhere between 3 and 6 months to heal, maybe longer.
I hope it doesn't take that long! Well, I am glad that yours wasn't a hernia. They are no fun to be delt with! Hope you had a Happy Easter, and God bless you.

Do you see the glass as half empty or half full? I say, what difference does it make--I paid for a full glass,so either way I am getting jipped!!!
Well, that is awesome! Did they plan on doing the panniculectomy beforehand? I am so sure I am going to need that. I have been obese for 17 years.... over 100 lbs overweight for the first 15 years and then gained another 100 lbs 2 years ago. I have a huge belly... I carry most of my weight there and in my back. I am only down by 50 lbs so far, so it is still hard to tell what that area will look like by goal time.
That 3 to 6 months, is that off work recovery?
Btw.... Easter was very nice and hope yours was too! God bless you as well...
That 3 to 6 months, is that off work recovery?
Btw.... Easter was very nice and hope yours was too! God bless you as well...

I am not sure what 3-6 month recovery actually means. I am disabled, so I don't have to worry about work at the moment. I have always wanted the panniculectomy for years, but naturally insurance companies would never cover it. They had to cover it this time due to the belly pulling on the hernia, thus making it medically necessary. (I think, but am not sure) It's fun going through last years clothes and finaly seeing them fit! When I got home from the hospital, I put on a pink silk teddie I have had for years that never really fit (due to the belly) and it slipped right over me, no problem. The best part of it was seeing the look on my fiancee of 10 years face as I wore it. We have been together for over 10 years, and he has NEVER looked at me that way! 

I still have big thighs and a big butt, but at least that's in style now-a-days.
Keep up the good work on your weightloss. Bye for now. Take care and God bless.

I still have big thighs and a big butt, but at least that's in style now-a-days.

Keep up the good work on your weightloss. Bye for now. Take care and God bless.
Do you see the glass as half empty or half full? I say, what difference does it make--I paid for a full glass,so either way I am getting jipped!!!
Oh... that is wonderful. A blessing came out of a hernia! Imagine that! I've never had a flat belly, never... not even when I was at normal weight.
What I meant by 3-6 month recovery was, is the recovery off work. But you answered that... You know, like I am still recovering from surgery but it is okay to go back work.
I am really happy for you! God bless you too!
What I meant by 3-6 month recovery was, is the recovery off work. But you answered that... You know, like I am still recovering from surgery but it is okay to go back work.
I am really happy for you! God bless you too!