Stomache pain .... Any advise or similiar issues?
Does anyone have any suggests or advise to share?
Thank you,
sorry to hear about your pains, i know the feeling. i just had a diagnostic lap(may 7) for what my dr thought may have been an internal hernia, turns out i had intussuseption and adhesions. i was having stomach pains for 3 weeks prior to having the diag. lap surgery. i was getting the pains sometimes after eating and sometimes not, the pains would just come on all of a sudden. i had a ct scan, normal, blood work normal. i had an egd(endoscopy) about 7 months ago, normal. my dr ruled out things with diagnostic tests, but the pain got so severe one day it brought me to the er. the er dr told me it was ibs and sent me home. when i followed up with my dr he wanted to to the diagnostic lap to see what was really going on inside. good thing he did. i hope you get some answers soon. i know how frustrating it is to have these pains and have test come back normal. i'll pray for you and please let me know how you do.
if you have any questions for me i'll be happy to answer anything.
good luck!